Update on DeepSec, DeepINTEL, CfP Review, and the Things behind the Stage

René Pfeiffer/ August 18, 2024/ Administrivia

We have been more radio silent than usual in the past months. The main reason was a high workload on various ongoing projects. Given that more and more companies need to address IT security, there were policies to write and security controls to design. Furthermore, the looming NIS Directive II has put some managements into overdrive. And then there is and was the Summer heat. Climate change also impacts work in IT security. Not all environments have air conditioning. Mental work gets hard in hot temperatures. If you need to write code, policies, or technical documentation, then output is slower than usual. By the way, ISO has added climate change risks to businesses to its standards. Companies need to think about how the climate will impact risks to their business processes. It’s not the

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DeepSec wishes a Happy New Year 2024!

René Pfeiffer/ December 31, 2023/ Administrivia, Communication

We have been radio-silent throughout the December, because post-processing DeepSec and DeepINTEL 2023 took longer than usual. For everyone doing system maintenance, the month of December is also a wonderful opportunity to do some work behind the scenes. Thanks to the security bulletin about SMTP smuggling, there were some additional workarounds that needed attention. There will be another pause until we announce the next call for papers in February 2024. We have not yet decided on the focus. If you have some ideas, let us know. Enjoy the quiet days, and have a good transition into the new year 2024!

Thanks for attending DeepSec and DeepINTEL 2023!

René Pfeiffer/ November 24, 2023/ Administrivia, Conference, DeepIntel

DeepSec 2023 ended a week ago, and it was amazing! We shout out a big thanks to all the speakers and all the attendees that made the conference memorable! Usually there is a period of several days after the conference where you hear nothing from us. We are not hibernating; we are in full post-production mode. Office life has caught up. The video material is currently being prepared for upload. Everyone who attended the conference will get early access to the presentations. Bear with us. We will send a notification once everything is ready. For everyone who missed the closing presentation, here are the dates for our events in 2024. Open your calendar, mark the dates. Also, do not forget to book early! We have a limit because of the conference venue safety regulations.

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DeepSec 2023 – ENOMEM/EFBIG – Tickets sold out!

René Pfeiffer/ November 8, 2023/ Administrivia, Conference

This is the first time for us. The tickets for attending DeepSec on-site at the conference hotel are exhausted. We have no room to spare. You can only book training tickets (i.e. training without the conference) or tickets for accessing the live streams. Existing orders are still valid and will be processed. We have to take this step, because the space at the conference hotel gets too crowded. Furthermore, we have some limits regarding event security, and contrary to cloud platforms, we cannot sell more capacity than we have. Please consider accessing the live streams if you want to follow the presentations. You will also have the means to comment and ask questions. The stream access will also give you full access to all the recordings once we finished post-processing.

DeepSec 2023 preliminary Schedule published

René Pfeiffer/ August 25, 2023/ Administrivia, Conference

The schedule for DeepSec 2023’s first version has been published. We are still stuck in reviews, so there will be some more updates in the coming weeks. Especially the third track with technical sessions and presentations will see some updates. Read some more on the technical track in one of our next blog articles. We received a lot of submissions, so we are very grateful for your support and the great ideas you sent us. Because of the limitations of our schedule, the reviewers had a hard time making a selection. The final status of all submissions will be sent to all submitters within the next few days. The following weeks will feature every presentation in more detail with an interview or an article about the content. The mix of topics is definitely the

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DeepSec Twitter Account is scheduled for Deletion

René Pfeiffer/ May 19, 2023/ Administrivia, Conference

A passive stance to IT security doesn’t always work. The same is true for “social” media. The DeepSec Twitter account is scheduled for deletion. We have saved all tweets and will publish them as an archive. Meanwhile you can follow updates from DeepSec and DeepINTEL on Mastodon, our blog, or our LinkedIn company site. No, we won’t join BlueSky until it is out of its pre-gamma prototype phase. So, please join us or subscribe to our mailing list(s).

No more automatic Updates for our Twitter Account

René Pfeiffer/ April 13, 2023/ Administrivia, Communication

There will be no more automatic updates on our Twitter account. The synchronisation between our blog and Twitter has been deactivated. The reason is the erratic course Twitter is on. All social media platform benefit from their users and the content that these platforms receive free of charge. We do not want to contribute to a forum any longer that doesn’t respect the efforts of journalists working on fact-based articles. There are a lot more reasons for stopping to use Twitter as a publication platform. Our motivation was the article titled „Danke für den Fisch!“ (translated “Thanks for the fish!”) by Michael Seemann, a German journalist. The article is in German, so you probably need to translate it. Michael explains some strong points for leaving Twitter. Synchronised content and more news about DeepSec and

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Call for Papers Preparations, Social Media, and other Updates

René Pfeiffer/ February 9, 2023/ Administrivia, Communication, DeepIntel

Our traditional Winter break has been a bit longer than anticipated. We are working on the call for papers for DeepSec and DeepINTEL 2023 (14 to 17 November 2023). The location has not changed, so we can focus on the content of the conferences. This is a good time to check if you are on our call for papers mailing list. If you like our regular reminders and updates, please subscribe or tell us what email address we should add. Speaking of communication, the sabotage of Twitter continues. Today the APIs for posting content are limited to paid subscribers. This deliberately stops cross-posting content to Twitter from other sources. It affects updates from our blogs and updates via mobile phones, because we never used the official Twitter app (and will not in the future).

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Late thank you for attending and speaking at DeepSec / DeepINTEL 2022

René Pfeiffer/ December 17, 2022/ Administrivia, Conference

Usually we are under high load after the conference because of the administrative tasks. 2022 was no exception, but the change of location still requires some attention. So this is a much delayed thank you for attending our events and speaking at DeepSec and DeepINTEL 2022! It was great to meet all of you in person. We also enjoyed talking about experiences with IT security, exchanging insights, sharing stories, and gathering inspiration for the next year. While virtual meetings can save time and help a lot, some things are best discussed face to face. The videos are nearly fully post-processed. We will inform our attendees and speakers first. In January 2023, you can enjoy the videos on our Vimeo account. The slides of the presentations can be downloaded from our DeepSec 2022 slide collection.

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DeepSec 2022 Focus Topics and an almost final Schedule

René Pfeiffer/ September 5, 2022/ Administrivia, Conference

If you are a regular visitor of our conference or our blog, then you probably know about the different phases of our schedule. We are now in the preliminary stage. Reviews are still being done, and we sort out questions to and answer from our speakers. You may have noticed the free slots. These are still under review. Hopefully, we will have everything sorted out in the course of the next weeks. DeepSec has some internal rules for reviewing presentation submissions. We usually do not accept persons of the same organisation, so that one organisation can have one presentation in the programme. This makes the reviews hard, because you always send us top quality material. We could easily conduct two or three conferences instead of one. For 2022, we have accepted multiple speakers from

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Reminder DeepSec and DeepINTEL Call for Papers

René Pfeiffer/ June 14, 2022/ Administrivia, Call for Papers, Conference

We have been radio silent for quite a while. This is not because of the lack of content or ideas. Information security has long attained mainstream status. We all rely on software and hardware all the time. Instead, we were stuck in administrative tasks. We have found a new location for the conference. In addition, we are working behind the scenes on code updates of our web page. The call for papers manager, the functions that create the schedule and render the website have aged. Speaking of the call for papers, it is still open! We are looking for presentations about the current state of security. If you found a bug or a design flaw, let’s hear about it. There are lots of applications out there. There must be something that’s broken. CVE has

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Talk “Analyzing Radicalization on the Internet – Method and Results of the COMRAD-Project” moved to 19 November 2021 16:50

René Pfeiffer/ November 18, 2021/ Administrivia, Conference

The presentation „Analyzing Radicalization on the Internet – Method and Results of the COMRAD-Project“ has been from today moved to 19 November 2021 at 16:50. The presentation has not been cancelled. We had to move the talk because of a collision and technical problems.

Updated Health Protection Guidelines – Information about hybrid Configuration of DeepSec & DeepINTEL 2021

René Pfeiffer/ November 13, 2021/ Administrivia, Conference

The City of Vienna has announced changes to the health protection regulations. The regulations are still not in effect, but we expect them to be in place in the course of the next week. The city council is more strict than the rest of Austria, so make sure to update on local regulations. We have updated the health protection document on our web site. Basically the access to the conference is limited to persons having recovered from CVOID-19 and vaccinated persons. Additional information can be found by using one of the following links: Latest COVID-19 information Information about COVID-19 (City of Vienna) DeepSec will be at the conference hotel and feature live streams for every track. Some speakers will present remotely. All presentation will be available on site and via the streams. Links for

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Export of Blog Articles on Medium

René Pfeiffer/ May 1, 2021/ Administrivia

The Internet was invented for sharing information. Publishing articles and raw data is still the main use case for networks. We use our blog for publishing articles covering topics of information security. It is the primary source of information. Article publications will be announced on our Twitter feed once the text is online. A while ago we started to publish our blog articles on Medium in parallel. The publication pipeline broken when Medium stopped supporting the plugin for our blog application. Re-publishing has since been done manually (hence the backlog on Medium). We occasionally update our Medium channel. Now this channel has a new link. If you prefer to read our articles on Medium, please use https://deepsec.medium.com/. Keep in mind that our blog articles published here will never hide behind a paywall or a

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