New date, same Location: DeepINTEL 2018 has been moved

René Pfeiffer/ August 10, 2018/ Administrivia, Call for Papers, Security Intelligence

The DeepINTEL 2018 has been moved in time, not in space. DeepINTEL 2018 will take place on 28 November 2018. The day is the second day of trainings at DeepSec. DeepINTEL will be in parallel, and it will be for one day instead of the original two days. We had to moved because of organisational constraints. By moving DeepINTEL we hope to create a better placement for the security intelligence platform. In addition the DeepINTEL Call for Papers is easier, allowing trainers and speakers at DeepSec to contribute to the aspect of DeepINTEL with specific content. In case you have some content for us: he focus for 2018 are stealthy and persistent attacks. This is the classic espionage attack vector, only with modern means. Ubiquitous networking, complex trust-relationships, and the increased flow of information

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DeepSec 2018 Call for Papers – Deadline today!

René Pfeiffer/ July 31, 2018/ Call for Papers, Conference

Sadly the climate does not extend deadlines. The Call for Papers of DeepSec In-Depth Security Conference 2018 ends today at midnight. Please make sure that you send us your submission in time. All submissions reaching us before the deadline ends have priority over any later submissions! We will leave the submission form online for a while longer in order to compensate for the heatwave currently rolling over Europe. Don’t forget that the Call for Papers for ROOTS 2018 (the Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium) is still open and accepts submissions! Please spread word about ROOTS. We would like to feature „Science first!“ again in 2018. A big thank you for all who already sent us their content! As always we will have a hard time sorting through everything and selecting the presentations and trainings.

ROOTS and DeepSec 2018 Call for Papers – Reminder and Bugfix

René Pfeiffer/ July 17, 2018/ Call for Papers

The ROOTS and DeepSec Calls for Papers are still running! We did some bugfixing on the web page, so the deadline for any ROOTS submissions is now 26 August 2018. Please spread the word and submit your research. If you need any assistance feel free to contact us. The DeepSec Call for Papers closes on 31 July 2018. Now is the time for your submission. We are looking forward to see your presentation on stage at DeepSec 2018!

Call for Papers: Reversing and Offensive-Oriented Trends Symposium (ROOTS) 2018

René Pfeiffer/ June 16, 2018/ Call for Papers, Security

ROOTS 2018 The second Reversing and Offensive-Oriented Trends Symposium (ROOTS) 2017 opens its call for papers. ROOTS is the first European symposium of its kind. ROOTS aims to provide an industry-friendly academic platform to discuss trends in exploitation, reversing, offensive techniques, and effective protections. Submissions should provide novel attack forms, describe novel reversing techniques or effective deployable defences. Submissions can also provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art, and pinpoint promising areas that have not received appropriate attention in the past. To facilitate interaction with industry, the ROOTS ticket will be valid for all DeepSec conference tracks on both days, including the industry tracks, and the DeepSec conference tickets for the industry track will be valid for ROOTS. The usual rules for academic discounts apply. Please contact the DeepSec staff or our sponsors for

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Reminder: DeepINTEL and DeepSec Call for Papers are still open

René Pfeiffer/ May 14, 2018/ Call for Papers

We have been a bit radio silent. We have to deal with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and we are moving our infrastructure across the Internet. The blog is already moved. Further services wait for their transport. The reason is simple maintenance work and hosting our data a bit more privacy-friendly. For example our new ticket portal features privacy by design. Since the threats to information security don’t have to deal with boring stuff such as privacy and upgrades, we would like to remind you that the call for papers for both DeepINTEL and DeepSec is still open.

DeepSec 2018 calls for Trainings and Content – Focus Mobility

René Pfeiffer/ January 31, 2018/ Call for Papers, Conference, Discussion

The DeepSec 2018 Call for Papers is open. The focus for this year is mobility. Mobile networks and mobile devices have established themselves firmly in our society. And mobility doesn’t end here. Transport is transforming into new technologies by incorporating access to data networks (yes, that’s the „Cloud“), the power grid (think electric vehicles), drones, new propulsion systems, artificial intelligent (sometimes even both!) personal assistants and algorithms (mathematics has become mainstream). The ever growing number of dependencies between components are a fertile breeding ground for cascading errors that impact more than your new car or your latest order from your favourite online shop. Information security must become as mobile as home deliveries of goods and electric power. And it must become common. Infosec isn’t optional any more. Since bug logos have captured the minds

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Last Call – DeepSec 2017 “Science First!” – Call for Papers

René Pfeiffer/ July 31, 2017/ Administrivia, Call for Papers

Today our Call for Papers for DeepSec 2017 (motto Science first!) officially ends. We are still up to our necks in submissions, but if you have content and want to join, then make sure you submit now! All in-time submissions will be preferred over the ones that missed the d(r)eadline! The call for papers for the 1st Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium 2017 (ROOTS) still runs until 5 August 2017. Make sure you don’t miss this deadline in case you want to beef up the science content of infosec! Our reviewers love to hear from you!

ROOTS 2017, DeepSec, and DeepINTEL Call for Papers are still open

René Pfeiffer/ June 26, 2017/ Call for Papers, Internet, Security, Security Intelligence

Our wonderful world of technology is full of surprises, bugs, intentional weaknesses, adversaries, defenders, vendors, and users. Some software just got more lines of code instead of a decent audit or refactoring. Everything is turning smart, but no one knows what smart really means. Big Data is all the fashion, Big Knowledge still isn’t. So there is ample opportunity for security research. And we haven’t mentioned recent weaknesses such as Stack Clash or broken hyperthreading yet. Strategy hasn’t evolved much either. Most high profile attacks seem to contain a lot of cyber, originating from Russia, USA, Israel, North Korea, or China. The context matters, as do the agendas of all parties involved. A thorough and careful analysis can shape the digital defence of your future. This is why we like to discuss methods, incidents,

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Call for Papers: 1st Reversing and Offensive-Oriented Trends Symposium (ROOTs) 2017

René Pfeiffer/ May 1, 2017/ Call for Papers, Conference

ROOTs 2017 The first Reversing and Offensive-Oriented Trends Symposium (ROOTs) 2017 opens its call for papers. ROOTs is the first European symposium of its kind. ROOTS aims to provide an industry-friendly academic platform to discuss trends in exploitation, reversing, offensive techniques, and effective protections. Submissions should provide novel attack forms, describe novel reversing techniques or effective deployable defenses. Submissions can also provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art, and pinpoint promising areas that have not received appropriate attention in the past. To facilitate interaction with industry, the ROOTs ticket will be valid for all DeepSec conference tracks on both days, including the industry tracks, and the DeepSec conference tickets for the industry track will be valid for ROOTs. The usual rules for academic discounts apply. Please contact the DeepSec staff or our sponsors for

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DeepINTEL / DeepSec News for 2017 and Call for Papers

René Pfeiffer/ March 27, 2017/ Administrivia, Call for Papers, Conference

Changing code, layout or designs have something in common – deadlines. But you cannot rush creativity, and so the new design of the DeepSec web site took some time. The old design has served us well. We basically did not change much and used it since 2007. The new design follows the stickers we use for decoration at our conferences, the book cover of the DeepSec chronicles, and many other details we publish via documents – all thanks to the creative mind of fx. So thanks a lot fx! The content of our conference has also slightly changed. DeepSec 2017 will feature additional content, because we will introduce a third track filled with presentations from academic research. Given the fact-free discussions of information security and security in general, we would like to (re)introduce the scientific

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Submit your Talk – Call for Papers for BSidesLondon

René Pfeiffer/ March 14, 2017/ Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for BSidesLondon is still running! If you haven’t submitted your talk yet, please do! The deadline is 27 March 2017. Don’t miss it! The Wonderful World of Cyber is full of stuff to talk about. There is broken software all over the Internet (of Things). 0days await. Infrastructure is ready to be defended or attacked. Let others know about your ideas. If you have never presented at a conference before, then you should consider a submission for the rookie track. You have to start somewhere or somewhen, so why not at BSidesLondon? Looking forward to listen to your presentation at BSidesLondon!

Preliminary Schedule of DeepSec 2016 – almost done

René Pfeiffer/ August 20, 2016/ Administrivia, Call for Papers, Conference, Schedule

We got over 100 submissions for DeepSec 2016! This is a new record. Consider that we have only room for about 40% of the content. While you may be impatient to hear about the trainings and the talks, please bear with us. We are in the final round of reviews and will have the preliminary schedule ready the day after tomorrow. You will be able to enjoy reading the announcement during your morning coffee break. Promised. To give you a little sneak preview, here are the main topics we will be addressing with the content: cryptography, Internet of Things (IoT), social engineering, threat hunting, the current state of affairs in information security, networking stuff (both wired and wireless), penetration testing, exploit automation, attacking web applications, iOS exploits, physical security, world domination a.k.a. „cyber“ threats,

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OpenPGP.conf is calling for Content

René Pfeiffer/ July 30, 2016/ Call for Papers, Conference, Security

If you don’t know what PGP means (or GPG), you should consult your favourite search engine. While it has a bad reputation for its usability, it is a lot more useful than the rumours might suggest (please attend your local CryptoParty chapter for more details). This is why the German Unix Users Group organises an OpenPGP.conf event. It takes place on 8/9 September 2016 in Cologne, Germany. The Call for Papers is still running, so  be quick and submit. The international conference, initiated by Werner Koch, maintainer of the free OpenPGP implementation Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG), and organized by the German Unix Users Group Association introduces the subject of confidential and untampered with communication including, but not limited to security aware users, IT managers and architects responsible for security objectives, software developers who plan to

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Call for Papers – DeepSec 2016 – Reminder

René Pfeiffer/ July 15, 2016/ Call for Papers, Conference

The Call for Papers for DeepSec 2016 ends on 31 July 2016. If you have some top content, a new way to break the Internet of Things, a piece of code that lets the director of the FBI sweat (for whatever reasons), then let us know. Basically anything that breaks stuff, melts networks/applications/hardware, or singes the fur off things is a good choice (see isic for the original quote). Despite the Internet of Things not being yours it can be 0wned any way. Have a go and tell us! In case you are inclined to teaching we also host top quality workshops, just before the conference. If you got material to keep a group of nerds, pentesters, and people worried about the state of information security busy, then drop us your abstract. See you

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