DeepSec 2013 Video: Hacking Medical Devices

René Pfeiffer/ January 29, 2014/ Conference, Security

Modern technology expands into various areas of our lives all by its own. Medical facilities also use networks and networked devices. This makes sense since monitoring vital signs creates data you want to transport to your staff. Regardless of the technology used, once you expose the device to the outside world it needs to be hardened against tampering and abuse. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is aware of this issue and has published a recommendation regarding the security of medical devices. „…manufacturers and health care facilities take steps to assure that appropriate safeguards are in place to reduce the risk of failure due to cyberattack, which could be initiated by the introduction of malware into the medical equipment or unauthorized access to configuration settings in medical devices and hospital networks…” At DeepSec

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DeepSec 2013 Video: Building The First Android IDS On Network Level

René Pfeiffer/ January 28, 2014/ Conference

Did you know that you can do more than playing Angry Birds on your smartphone? You can get attacked for example. Since your smart phone is Turing complete, you can do what you want. Jaime Sánchez presented the first Android Intrusion Detection System at DeepSec 2013. Mobile malware and threats are clearly on the rise, as attackers experiment with new business models by targeting mobile phones. This is a reason to deploy security software on these devices, too. With the help of custom built signatures, Jaime’s framework can also be used to detect probes or attacks designed for mobile devices, fool and cheat operating system fingerprinting attempts. Have a look!

DeepSec 2013 Video: Finux’s Historical Tour Of IDS Evasion, Insertions, and Other Oddities

René Pfeiffer/ January 27, 2014/ Conference, Security

Ever since intrusion detection systems were put into operation, attackers have found ways to evade discovery. So what can you expect from the wonderful tools that are designed to detect intrusions? If you are looking for metrics which can easily compared and have a connection to your typical production environment, then you are mistaken. There is no such thing as a magical box, ready to be installed to solve all your intrusion problems. Arron ‘Finux’ Finnon of Alba13 Labs held a presentation at DeepSec 2013 about this topic. He illustrated the evasion techniques used and discussed the history of IDS/IPS systems. If you follow the talk closely, you will understand why detection systems like IDS/IPS can work, but why they’re set to fail all at the same time.

DeepSec 2013 Video: Cracking Open “Secure” Android Containers

René Pfeiffer/ January 19, 2014/ Conference

Cell phones, especially the smart ones, become more and more part of your company’s infrastructure. These devices accumulate software (a.k.a. „apps“), authentication tokens, passwords, and a lot of data worthy of protection. While smartphone systems have their own protection mechanisms, not every one of them might work reliably. Chris John Riley explains in his presentation held at DeepSec 2013 why „secure“ containers on Android phones might not be as secure as advertised. Please make sure that you show this presentation to anyone riding the „BYOD“ train. You might want to rethink what you let your users put on their phones.

DeepSec 2013 Video: Cracking And Analyzing Apple iCloud Protocols

René Pfeiffer/ January 17, 2014/ Conference

The „Cloud“ has been advertised as the magic bullet of data management. Basically you put all your precious eggs into one giant basket, give it to someone else, and access your data from everywhere – provided you have a decent Internet connection. Since someone else is now watching over your data, you do not always know what protocols and security measures are in place. Few „cloud“ solutions publish what they actually do. Apple’s iCloud system is no different. Vladimir Katalov (ElcomSoft Co. Ltd.) explained in his talk at DeepSec 2013 how the iCloud protocol works and how you can develop your own clients to access your own data in Apple’s „cloud“ infrastructure. His reverse-engineering work is based on publicly available information. Have a look!

DeepSec 2013 Video: spin – Static Instrumentation For Binary Reverse-Engineering

René Pfeiffer/ January 15, 2014/ Conference

Reverse engineering is a fundamental tool of information security research. The news coverage of the past year have given black boxes a bad name. David Guillen Fandos introduces methods for binary reverse-engineering in his presentation at DeepSec 2013. Binary instrumentation is used for performance evaluation, CPU emulation, tracing, and profiling. It can also be used for malware and threat analysis. David’s tool called spin is able to characterize and identify security-critical functions by applying conditions. If you are into reverse engineering or simply are curious, take a look at the video from his talk:

DeepSec 2013 Video – Relax Everybody: HTML5 Is Securer Than You Think

René Pfeiffer/ January 14, 2014/ Conference

A lot of tags have been created since the 1980s when the foundation of the modern World Wide Web was born. HTML5 is being deployed on servers around the world. Just like the many 802.11xyz wireless standards it is being used before the stable standard has been released by the W3C. Moving targets attract all kinds of developers and information security enthusiasts. This is why we invited Sebastian Lekies of SAP to hold a presentation about HTML5. He systematically explores security relevant HTML5 APIs and summarises what web developers need to know when designing, implementing and deploying web applications. We will see at DeepSec 2014 if HTML5-based sites will be still featured in talks. ☺

DeepSec 2013 Video: Psychology of Security – a Research Programme

René Pfeiffer/ January 13, 2014/ Conference

The DeepSec 2013 keynote presentation featured the cultural background of China in order to better understand the news about impending „cyber doom“. The past year has shown that you need a lot more than hands-on information security if you want to make sense of incidents. Next to history and culture there is psychology. In his talk at DeepSec 2013 Stefan Schumacher make a good case for combining psychology and the scientific approach with topics of information security. Watch his talk online!

DeepSec 2013 Keynote – “Cultural Learning Of China To Make Benefit Glorious Profession Of Infosec”

René Pfeiffer/ December 20, 2013/ Conference

Our video team gave us an early Christmas present, fresh from the rendering farm. The keynote of DeepSec 2013 by Wim Remes is already online. His keynote talk puts information security into a broader context. More often than not blaming China seems to be an easy way to “explain” digital attacks or to silence legitimate questions. Wim explores the cultural side and history in order to improve what we know about the context. Since the Internet is a global network information security experts need to broaden their horizon. For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong. Attacks, persistent or not, can become complex, and dealing with the attribution problem is definitely no easy task. We heard about it at past DeepSec conferences. So enjoy Wim’s talk, have some

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Recordings and Slides from DeepSec 2013

René Pfeiffer/ December 12, 2013/ Administrivia, Conference

We are still dealing with the administrative tasks of DeepSec 2013, and we would like to give a short update on the publication of the slides. We have published all PDFs from the talks on our web server. Some speakers are still refining their documents. We will add them to the collection as soon as we get the files. There are audio and video recordings as well. Both are in post-production in order to ensure that the content is ok and everything works (we had some troubles with broken media files and storage containers in the past). We will put the audio recordings on our web site, too. The videos will be published on our Vimeo account soon. So, thank you for attending and speaking at DeepSec 2013! We hope to see you again

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The DeepSec 2013 Conference – „Secrets, Failures, and Visions“

René Pfeiffer/ November 21, 2013/ Conference

Welcome to the DeepSec 2013 In-Depth Security Conference! The seventh DeepSec has just started. We welcome everyone at the conference venue and everyone else Out There™ connected by networks. If you have a Twitter account, make use of the hashtag #DeepSec. We will have an eye on tweets throughout the conference. So if you have feedback or want to comment something, feel free to do so! Enjoy DeepSec 2013!

Last Changes to DeepSec 2013 Schedule

René Pfeiffer/ November 19, 2013/ Administrivia, Conference

Unfortunately we had to change our DeepSec 2013 schedule again. We promise that this will be the last changes before the conference starts (or a certain Murphy will get a talk slot). Marcus Ranum couldn’t make it to DeepSec. He apologised, and there really is no way he could have made it. We will invite him for DeepSec 2014, so you will have a good reason to come back next year. We are grateful for Aaron Kaplan from who helps out with a presentation about better cryptography. In essence he talks about applied crypto hardening in order to help everyone deploying cryptography to improve the configuration and to Get Things Right™. We highly encourage you to attend his talk. For anyone interested in geopolitics: Wim Remes has kindly agreed to hold the keynote

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DeepSec 2013 Talk: Bypassing Security Controls With Mobile Devices

René Pfeiffer/ November 15, 2013/ Conference, Security

How do you counter threats emerging from a new trend? Well, standard practice is to buy a new appliance, add-on, or similar magic trick. People do this currently with the trend of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). Once you say yes to BYOD, you just gave Santa Claus (or your chief financial officer) more options for Christmas presents. There is Mobile Device Management (MDM in short), plus you can do a lot of filtering at the edge of your network(s). Still mobile devices are a threat. At DeepSec 2013 Georgia Weidman of Bulb Security LLC will show you how the threats work in real environments. Testing if your wonderful BYOD playground works for attackers can be done by taking your MDM’s promises to the limits. Let’s see if your MDM has ever heard of

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DeepSec 2013 Talk: Supply Chain – The Exposed Flank

René Pfeiffer/ November 15, 2013/ Conference, Security, Stories

Securing your own perimeter is the prime task IT security teams are worried about. However there is Murphy’s Law of Firewalls, too. Given a sufficient amount of time, business requirements will pierce a lot of holes in your firewall and your defences. Once you work with suppliers, you will have to deal with their perimeters as well. Your opponents will go for the weakest link, and if the links on your end are strong, then they go for your suppliers and partners. Dave Lewis of Akamai Technologies will talk about this problem in his talk at DeepSec 2013. It’s not your immediate partners you have to think about. There are trading partner networks, code developed by off shore development centres and outsourced help desks. Even if you use security products you can get into

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DeepSec 2013 Talk: Building The First Android IDS On Network Level

René Pfeiffer/ November 13, 2013/ Conference, Development, Security

Being popular is not always a good thing and here’s why: As mobile devices grow in popularity, so do the incentives for attackers. Mobile malware and threats are clearly on the rise, as attackers experiment with new business models by targeting mobile phones. The threat to mobile devices, however, is not limited to rogue versions of popular apps and adware. Threat actors are also pouncing on mobile users’ banking transactions. Android continues to be a primary target for malware attacks due to its market share and open source architecture. Nowadays, several behaviour-based malware analysis and detection techniques for mobile threats have been proposed for mobile devices but only about 30 percent of all Android smart phones and tablets have security apps installed. At DeepSec 2013 Jaime Sanchez (@segofensiva) will present AndroIDS, a signature-based intrusion

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