When? Where? What? Introducing https://deepsec.events/

René Pfeiffer/ March 3, 2020/ Administrivia, Conference, DeepIntel

Reading the calendar gets difficult given the many places people – including us – post dates. Furthermore, we have a habit of not detecting typos and not putting our dates in proper variables and rendering them out to the web consistently. So we create a little jump page called DeepSec Events. On this web site you will find all the most important facts about everything DeepSec. Our graphic designer went a bit overboard, but we hope the design is pleasing to your eyes.

Continuous Integration Ticket Shop for Conference Tickets is now open – book often, book early!

René Pfeiffer/ February 26, 2020/ Administrivia, Conference, DeepIntel

Running an event is a highly dynamic operation. This is especially true for (information security) conferences, even more so for trainings. We have seen our share of sad faces when the training of your choice didn’t happen, because people booked the ticket too late. In order to avoid great disappointments, the ticket shops for DeepSec and DeepINTEL are now open. Spread the word! And put some SDL into your tickets – book early, book often!

DeepSec, DeepINTEL, and ROOTS in 2020

René Pfeiffer/ February 1, 2020/ Administrivia, Call for Papers, Conference, DeepIntel

We took some time off to deal with the administrative side of running the DeepSec conference. Additionally some of us were engaged in project work. 2020 started early this time. There is a lot to do behind the scenes, especially in times where reading the news doesn’t help you to navigate the rest of the year. We also finished the travel plans for the year, so we will have some information where and when to connect to DeepSec. The most important information for you: There will be a DeepSec & DeepINTEL conference in 2020. There will also be a Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium (ROOTS) again in 2020. The call for papers are in preparation and will open in two weeks. The dates are as follows: DeepSec Trainings 17/18 November 2020 DeepINTEL Conference 18

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Deconstruction and Analysis of modern IT Threats – DeepINTEL Security Intelligence Conference disenchants Complexity of Security Threats

Sanna/ November 8, 2019/ Conference, DeepIntel

The modern digital world is constantly threatened. Unfortunately, only a few understand what this actually means. Information security is always presented in distorting stereotypes that have nothing to do with reality. No attack is hammered into a keyboard in minutes. The most dangerous threats can not be detected by watching out for guys in hooded shirts or face masks. Nothing in the digital world can be defused with a simple click. The opposite is the case because domestic and foreign policy have global implications for the digital infrastructure of all organizations. The DeepINTEL Security Intelligence Conference, which takes place every year in Vienna, therefore aims to provide a platform where authorities, businesses, researchers and hackers can productively discuss threats’ characteristics and countermeasures within a closed group. Striking Examples Economic espionage is often cited as

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L’Internet des faits et la peur dans la sécurité informatique – Les conférences DeepSec et DeepINTEL dévoilent leurs programmes – bits, bytes, sécurité et géopolitique

Sanna/ October 17, 2019/ Conference, DeepIntel

« No man is an island ». Cette citation (« Aucun homme n’est une île ») est de l’écrivain anglais John Donne. Si la phrase est devenue célèbre au XVIIe siècle, elle prend un tout autre sens à l’ère du numérique. La version moderne serait plutôt : il n’y a plus aucune île. De plus en plus de domaines du quotidien et de la société sont connectés. Cette année, les conférences sur la sécurité DeepSec et DeepINTEL souhaitent donc jeter un regard sobre sur l’Internet des faits et sur la peur sous l’angle de la sécurité de l’information. Actuellement, les systèmes sont moins isolés et bien plus complexes que ce qui est raisonnable du point de vue de la sécurité. La DeepSec se consacre donc aux nouvelles technologies et à leurs vulnérabilités au cours de deux journées de conférences

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DeepSec Press Release: Internet of Facts and Fear in the Name of IT Security – Bits, Bytes, Security and Geopolitics

Sanna/ September 5, 2019/ Conference, DeepIntel, Press, Schedule, Security, Security Intelligence

(Original press release was published on 29 August 2019 via pressetext.com) Nobody is an island. This statement is attributed to the English writer John Donne. The sentence became known in the 17th century. In the meantime, this has changed as a result of digitization. The modern version of the statement should read: There are no more islands. Increasing networking is reaching more and more areas of everyday life and society. So this year’s DeepSec In-Depth Security Conference wants to look soberly at the Internet of facts and fear from an information security perspective. Systems are currently less isolated and much more complex than the theory of information security technically allows. The DeepSec conference therefore dedicates its two days of conference and two days of training to current technologies and their vulnerabilities. At the same

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Thoughts on Geopolitics and Information Security

René Pfeiffer/ July 12, 2019/ Call for Papers, DeepIntel, Discussion, High Entropy

Geopolitics is a rather small word for very complex interactions, strategies, tactics, and the planning (of lack thereof) of events. Reading about topics connected to it is probably familiar to you. Few news articles can do without touching geopolitic aspects. Since politics has less technological content for most people, the connection to information security may not be obvious. Malicious software such as Stuxnet/WannaCry has changed this. Due to the events connected to their outbreak (or attack) the motivations of national agendas on the international stage have created awareness. There is a lot more to explore which is not on the radar of most experts, even in the field of information security. The current trade wars have a major impact on technology and ultimately information security. When it comes to vendors there is a bias

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Translated Press Release: IT Security is increasingly dominated by Geopolitics

Sanna/ February 18, 2019/ Call for Papers, Conference, DeepIntel, ROOTS

DeepSec and DeepINTEL conference open call for papers – submission for lectures and trainings are in demand.Anyone who reads the technology part of their favourite magazine can hardly escape the promises of future network technologies. Your own car becomes a smartphone. The talking fridge becomes a therapist. 5G mobile networks promise high-speed fibre optic streaming of data on the speed-limited electric scooter. The second reading reveals the meaning of the letter G in 5G – it stands for geopolitics. As part of the network expansion, there are discussions about hidden killswitches for emergency shutdowns, entire networks and backdoors to eavesdrop on customers. In November, the DeepSec In-Depth Security Conference addresses the technical challenges of the Internet of Things, emerging network technologies, and geopolitical constraints dictated by key events of the last 6 years. 5G

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Save the Date for DeepINTEL and DeepSec 2019

René Pfeiffer/ February 8, 2019/ Administrivia, Conference, DeepIntel

We did some clean-up and dealt with the administrative issues of past and future events. Finally we can announce the dates for DeepINTEL 2019 and DeepSec 2019. Grab or calendars or log into them: DeepSec 2019 Trainings – 26/27 November 2019 DeepSec 2019 Conference – 28/29 November 2019 DeepINTEL 2019 – 27 November 2019 The conference hotel is the same as for every DeepSec. We haven’t changed our location. As for the date, yes, we announced at the closing ceremony that we won’t collide with thanksgiving. We tried hard to avoid this, but given the popularity of Vienna as a conference and event city we had no choice. For 2020 and consecutive years we will do early reservations in order to avoid the week of Thanksgiving. The call for papers opens soon, as does

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Discussing Threat Intelligence in the City of Spies – DeepINTEL 2018 has started

René Pfeiffer/ November 28, 2018/ Conference, DeepIntel

What’s the best place to discuss security and threat intelligence? Well, according to Austrian investigative journalist Emil Bobi there are over 7,000 spies living and working in Vienna. To quote the article: „Austria has been an international spy hub since the late 19th Century, when people from all parts of the Austro-Hungarian empire flocked to the city.“ Basically it’s ancient tradition going back to the 19th century. During DeepINTEL we will discuss modern threats – advanced, persistent, networked, or otherwise. The focus will be on indicators of suspicious behaviour, the human component of information security, challenges by drone technology, and how to protect sources of information.  

DeepINTEL 2018 Talk: Framing HUMINT as an information gathering technique – Ulrike Hugl

Sanna/ November 20, 2018/ DeepIntel, Security Intelligence

NATO defines human intelligence (HUMINT) or hyoo-mint as “a category of intelligence derived from information collected and provided by human sources” (NATO Glossary of terms and definitions, APP-6, 2004) focusing on different kinds of information, for example data on things related to a human, information about a human’s specific knowledge of a situation, and other issues. HUMINT is differentiated into several categories like clandestine and overt collection. And: It is one of several other traditional intelligence collection disciplines, so called INTs; examples are SIGINT (signals intelligence), OSINT (open source intelligence), MASINT (measurements and signatures intelligence), GEOINT (geospatial intelligence), TECHINT (technical intelligence), SOMINT (social media intelligence), FININT (financial intellicence, gathered from analysis of monetary transactions), as well as CYBINT/DNINT (cyber intelligence/digital network intelligence, gathered from cyberspace). Intelligence Services deal with the analysis and collection of

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DeepINTEL 2018 Talk: Risk Management in Complex Scenarios – Oscar Serrano

Sanna/ November 8, 2018/ Conference, DeepIntel, Security

ICT risk management is a well-stabilized practice and as such is supported by international security standards and guidelines. But, despite advances in the legal and policy areas and the maturation of standardized frameworks for efficient risk management, it has still not become a controlled, systematic process in the cyber security domain of most organizations. One of the problems preventing organizations from having an enterprise approach to cyber security risk management is that these efforts have not been supported by commensurate investment to produce robust, technical implementations of suitable risk management methodologies and supporting systems. Although some tools do exist, such as PILAR, CRAMM, Ebios, Mehari, or Octave, they all implement different risk management methodologies and all of them are implemented to satisfy the need of specific users. None of them is a truly enterprise

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DeepINTEL 2018 Talk: Cyber Threat Intelligence – The Next Era of Cyber Security? – Markus Auer

Sanna/ November 5, 2018/ DeepIntel, Security Intelligence

The DeepINTEL security intelligence conference focuses on threats, indicators of compromise, and strategic counter measures. Information security is more than superficial. This is why we have asked Markus Auer to hold a presentation at DeepINTEL (28 November 2018). He explains his ideas in short: We are tired of adding new products to our ever-growing security structure. Although this has been a common practice for years, it does not bring lasting success. Attacks continue to occur – faster, more comprehensively and with much greater impact and rising costs. Despite all protection levels and measures, the current security approach fails. We want to stop the expansion and purchase of more reactive products that are targeted to the recent attack. Instead, security operations should be improved by aligning existing security technologies and teams and using the information

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DeepINTEL 2018 Security Intelligence Event – Preliminary Schedule is available

René Pfeiffer/ November 3, 2018/ Conference, DeepIntel

It took us longer than anticipated, but the schedule for DeepINTEL 2018 is final and available. The topics covered are ICT risk assessment in interconnected and complex environments, drone threats (to critical infrastructure), drone countermeasures, assessment of digital black markets (you can call them darkweb/crypto markets if you must), live threats to the information industry (based on finding and working with reliable sources in the field), framing HUMINT as an information gathering technique, and how to get started in modern cyber threat intelligence. The speakers will bring in-depth examples from their field of expertise. Given the format of DeepINTEL, the presentation are meant to turn into dialogues where you can directly ask questions and hopefully get answers helping you to understand how to detect and counter threats, and how to collect meaningful data for

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