DeepINTEL / DeepSec News for 2017 and Call for Papers
Changing code, layout or designs have something in common – deadlines. But you cannot rush creativity, and so the new design of the DeepSec web site took some time. The old design has served us well. We basically did not change much and used it since 2007. The new design follows the stickers we use for decoration at our conferences, the book cover of the DeepSec chronicles, and many other details we publish via documents – all thanks to the creative mind of fx. So thanks a lot fx!
The content of our conference has also slightly changed. DeepSec 2017 will feature additional content, because we will introduce a third track filled with presentations from academic research. Given the fact-free discussions of information security and security in general, we would like to (re)introduce the scientific method into infosec. Finding flaws in software, hardware, protocols, devices, and many other parts of modern society requires solid lab work, repeatable experiments, and a sound documentation of the findings. This is why the motto of DeepSec 2017 is “Science First!”.
Many of you are unaware that we are running two Call for Papers in parallel. Both presentations for DeepSec and DeepINTEL can be submitted. The process is slightly different.
- Please use the web form for all things DeepSec. Use it know, use it before 31 July 2017.
- Everything suitable for the DeepINTEL conference should be submitted via email to deepsec (at) deepsec (dot) net. Please make use of encryption. We like to decrypt your messages. The Call for Papers for DeepINTEL is up and running. Again be quick, submit your work/thoughts on security intelligence, threat analysis, war stories forensics, or incident response by email.
Looking forward to meet you in person and listen to your presentations.