DeepSec Call for Papers has officially ended – Review Phase opened

René Pfeiffer/ August 1, 2024/ Call for Papers, Conference

"Library of Trinity College Dublin serves Trinity College and the University of Dublin. It is the largest library in Ireland and, as a legal deposit or copyright library, it has rights to receive material published in the Republic of Ireland" Source: call for papers process for DeepSec has officially ended. We tried to keep track with your submissions, but now we will deep dive into the review phase. You may have noticed that the trainings have already been published online. Usually, we publish the training slots earlier. We try to do this before the Summer, but this year the training review was delayed, because all reviewers were very busy. Now we have even more work because of the number of proposals for talks. Thank you all for your contributions! Creating the schedule will be hard, so bear with us and allow for one to two weeks for the reviews.

We promise that all of you will receive either a confirmation when accepted or a message if your submission was declined. Don’t be discouraged or disappointed if you don’t make it into our schedule for 2024. We only have a limited number of slots, and we try the best we can. Late submissions will be reviewed last. The early submitters will be processed first. This doesn’t says anything about your content, we just want to be fair to everyone who met the deadline. Proposals for DeepINTEL can still be submitted, but please do so by email (or by using the CfP form and mentioning that the content is for DeepINTEL).

Thanks again for submitting!

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About René Pfeiffer

System administrator, lecturer, hacker, security consultant, technical writer and DeepSec organisation team member. Has done some particle physics, too. Prefers encrypted messages for the sake of admiring the mathematical algorithms at work.