DeepSec Conference Videos
Finally we found some time to sort through the video recording legacy of past DeepSec conferences. We’ve been asked for video material repeatedly since we record all talks held at DeepSec (except those where the speaker does not want to be published on video). Let me explain what the state of our video archive is.
All video recordings were done by different teams consisting of video professionals, volunteers from Metalab and students of the St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences. We used different camera equipment, sound feeds due to changes with the audio system on-site and various storage media because of different digital cameras on-site. The videos of DeepSec 2007 are on Google Video since June 2008. We have re-added them to our internal archive, and we noticed that killab66661 has added the videos to YouTube as well. The videos from DeepSec 2008 are still on tape due to technical issues with the copying and post-processing (it’s a long story, best told by Murphy as an example of his Laws put into practice). The videos from DeepSec 2009 have been post-processed and need to be further prepared optimised for web viewing. The post-processing took a lot longer than anticipated, because we had to correct the audio-video synchronisation due to technical problem during the conference (hardware is usually connected to hard failures). The videos from DeepSec 2010 have spent a lot longer on the render farm, because this time our video team captured speaker and slides separately (and we had to deal with a data recovery issue on some SD cards; high quality is no protection from data loss, it seems). The rendered videos have the slides and the speaker visible at the same time. The computers we rendered on were a shared resource, and our rendering processes kept getting kicked from the system due to high load. We still have to prepare the web view resolution though (which is currently starting, the CPU cores in our office are heating up as I write this blog article).
The video will be published at the Vimeo web site in chronological order, starting with the videos from 2007. Participants (with a business ticket) of DeepSec 2009 and 2010 will get the high quality version of the videos shipped on suitable media before we put them on-line. So in time you will have access to the conference recordings. We apology for the delay and hope you’ll enjoy our „X Files“!