First Press Coverage of DeepSec 2011
The first articles about DeepSec 2011 are online. Most of them are in German, so you might want to use Google Translate for it. In addition Golem will publish video interviews with selected speakers soon (we will tell you as soon as they are available).
- Wie Terroristen verschlüsseln
Duncan Campbell talks about encryption and compares it to the real world. There have been a lot of rumours about terrorist groups using modern encryption. The reality looks a bit different. Tools like PGP are around, but some groups still rely on substitution and transposition ciphers. Managing keys of modern cryptography and handling the tools isn’t as easy as changing clothes. Procedures, procedures, procedures, ask the auditors. - Das Streben nach dem Cyber-Weltfrieden
Stefan Schumacher illustrates the concept of cyber-peace described in his talk yesterday. Everyone invests in cyber weapons, no one knows what cyber war really looks like. The days of “Veni, vidi, vici” in conventional warfare are over, and “Cyber War” is even farther away from Caesar’s quote. Stefan explains how to address international conflicts in cyberspace and how to deal with them.
- Die Deals russischer Cyber-Gangs
FM4 has interviewed Alan Kakareka about black markets, typical goods and how the shadow trade works. - Angriffe auf Server der Banken lohnen sich
Mitja Kolsek’s talk about security weaknesses of online banks is featured in this article (first published at the Golem web site). - Chris John Riley’s blog features a live coverage from the talks How To Rob An Online Bank, Extending Scapy by a GSM Air Interface, SMS Fuzzing, Windows Pwn 7 OEM, Intelligent Bluetooth fuzzing, and Reassemble or GTFO! – IDS Evasion Strategies.
There’s more to come. First impressions from our on-site photographer can be found on his noteblog.