First DeepSec 2020 Trainings confirmed
We haven’t been idle in the past weeks. The Austrian government is reducing the lock-down rules to see how normal business and private life can go on. We take this as an opportunity to announce the first three confirmed trainings for DeepSec 2020. The preliminary descriptions can be found on our schedule web site. Black Belt Pentesting / Bug Hunting Millionaire: Mastering Web Attacks with Full-Stack Exploitation – Dawid Czagan (Silesia Security Lab) Open Hardware Hacking – Paula de la Hoz Garrido (Telefónica Security Engineering) Defending Industrial Control Systems – Tobias Zillner & Thomas Brandstetter (Limes Security) Early Bird tickets are available. Given the unusual start into 2020 we ask you to consider buying Early Bird tickets (especially for the trainings). We are exploring special attendee tickets for remote attendance of the trainings. A