DeepSec, DeepINTEL, and ROOTS in 2020

René Pfeiffer/ February 1, 2020/ Administrivia, Call for Papers, Conference, DeepIntel

We took some time off to deal with the administrative side of running the DeepSec conference. Additionally some of us were engaged in project work. 2020 started early this time. There is a lot to do behind the scenes, especially in times where reading the news doesn’t help you to navigate the rest of the year. We also finished the travel plans for the year, so we will have some information where and when to connect to DeepSec. The most important information for you: There will be a DeepSec & DeepINTEL conference in 2020. There will also be a Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium (ROOTS) again in 2020. The call for papers are in preparation and will open in two weeks. The dates are as follows: DeepSec Trainings 17/18 November 2020 DeepINTEL Conference 18

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Save the date: DeepINTEL / DeepSec 2020 – 17 to 20 November

René Pfeiffer/ December 21, 2019/ Administrivia, Conference

We fixed the dates for DeepINTEL and DeepSec 2020. As promised there will be no collision with Thanksgiving. DeepINTEL 2020 will be on 18 November 2020. The DeepSec trainings will be on 17/18 November 2020. The DeepSec conference will be on 19/20 November 2020. The Calls for Papers will open in February 2020. Have a rest and enjoy the holidays! We are looking forward to see you in Vienna (again)!

DeepSec 2019 Keynote: Computer Security is simple, the World is not – Raphaël Vinot and Quinn Norton

Sanna/ November 27, 2019/ Conference

Information security is too often seen as a highly technical field in computer science, and one where the more technical someone is, the more right they are likely to be. But security is part of systems of life, that not only include computers and phones, but systems of living, cultures, history, politics, and interpersonal relationships. Technical knowledge is important in those systems, but on its own, it accomplishes very little — as the sorry state of the computer security in the world demonstrates. Knowing how computers work doesn’t gives us an empirical knowledge of what people do with their devices, what their job is, what context they live in, what their adversaries want from them, what their capabilities or resources are. In this talk we will explain why listening is the most important part

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: How To Create a Botnet of GSM Devices – Aleksandr Kolchanov

Sanna/ November 26, 2019/ Conference

There are different types of GSM-devices: from GSM-alarms for homes and cars to industrial controllers, remote-controlled electric sockets and smartwatches for kids. Also, often they are vulnerable, so GSM-devices are interesting targets for hackers and pranksters. But it is easier to hack a device than to find these devices (usually, you should make a call, send SMS with a command to the phone number of this device, so it is necessary for an attacker to know or find this number). During this talk, I will give a short overview of types of devices and common vulnerabilities, then I will tell about different methods, which can be used to find the phone number of the device. Also, I will show some funny ideas, which allows hackers to create small (or huge, who knows?) botnet of

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DeepSec 2019 Press Release: High-quality Randomness protects Companies

Sanna/ November 25, 2019/ Conference, Training

The ‘bugs’ of the’ 90s are still alive – hidden in IoT devices, integrated systems and industrial controls. Modern information security can’t manage without mathematics. It is less about statistics in the form of operational data or risk analysis. It’s about cryptography, which is constantly used in everyday life. It uses elements that build on high-quality random numbers to protect information from attacks. This year’s DeepSec Security Conference addresses key aspects of product implementation – data protection during transport and storage. Protecting the Digital Transformation Whether “intelligent” bulbs and illuminants, heating or building controls, tv-sets, industrial plants or entire production lines – the digital transformation covers all areas of our lives and leads to changes. On the one hand, digitization opens up opportunities such as the optimization of processes, the more efficient use of

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Abusing Google Play Billing for Fun and Unlimited Credits! – Guillaume Lopes

Sanna/ November 22, 2019/ Conference, Security

In 2017, the estimated global in-app purchase revenue was projected to exceed $37 billion. Just in the Google Play Store, for 2018, more than 200 000 apps are offering in-app purchases. However, the Google Play Billing API is vulnerable by design and allows an attacker to bypass the payment process. I analyzed several android games and found that it’s possible to bypass the payment process. This presentation will show real vulnerable applications (Fruit Ninja, Doodle Jump, etc.). We asked Guillaume a few more questions about his talk. Please tell us the top 5 facts about your talk. The vulnerability presented is really easy to exploit Client side issues are not dead in 2019! It seems nobody cares about losing money in the game industry… Very few vendors fixed their implementation Real vulnerable applications will

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ROOTS 2019 Talk: Shallow Security: on the Creation of Adversarial Variants to Evade ML-Based Malware Detectors – Fabricio Ceschin

Sanna/ November 22, 2019/ ROOTS

The use of Machine Learning (ML) techniques for malware detection has been a trend in the last two decades. More recently, researchers started to investigate adversarial approaches to bypass these ML-based malware detectors. Adversarial attacks became so popular that a large Internet company (ENDGAME Inc.) has launched a public challenge to encourage researchers to bypass their (three) ML-based static malware detectors. Our research group teamed to participate in this challenge in August/2019 and accomplishing the bypass of all 150 tests proposed by the company. To do so, we implemented an automatic exploitation method which moves the original malware binary sections to resources and includes new chunks of data to it to create adversarial samples that not only bypassed their ML detectors, but also real AV engines as well (with a lower detection rate than

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ROOTS 2019 Talk: RevEngE is a dish served cold: Debug-Oriented Malware Decompilation and Reassembly – Marcus Botacin

Sanna/ November 21, 2019/ ROOTS

Malware analysis is a key process for knowledge gain on infections and cyber security overall improvement. Analysis tools have been evolving from complete static analyzers to partial code decompilers. Malware decompilation allows for code inspection at higher abstraction levels, facilitating incident response procedures. However, the decompilation procedure has many challenges, such as opaque constructions, irreversible mappings, semantic gap bridging, among others. In this talk, we propose a new approach that leverages the human analyst expertise to overcome decompilation challenges. We name this approach “DoD—debug-oriented decompilation”, in which the analyst is able to reverse engineer the malware sample on his own and to instruct the decompiler to translate selected code portions (e.g., decision branches, fingerprinting functions, payloads etc.) into high level code. With DoD, the analyst might group all decompiled pieces into new code to

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DeepSec2019 Training: Incident Response Detection and Investigation with Open Source Tools – Thomas Fischer & Craig Jones

Sanna/ November 20, 2019/ Conference

Defences focus on what you know! But what happens when the attackers gain access to your network by exploiting endpoints, software or even you people. Under the assumption that you have been breached, how do you work backwards to gain knowledge of what happened? How can you find those adversaries in your infrastructure? IR detection and response relies on a structured process of identifying observables and collecting evidence. One aspect of this is the practice of proactively seeking out evil in your infrastructure, finding needles in haystacks that link to other needles and unveiling how an organization was compromised and possibly even answering the “why?”. This is commonly referred to as Threat Hunting. In this hands-on training participants will learn about the basic building blocks for an IR detection and investigation programme. The training

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Demystifying Hardware Security Modules – How to Protect Keys in Hardware – Michael Walser

Sanna/ November 20, 2019/ Conference

[Editorial note: Cryptography is one of our favourite topics. This is why we invited experts from sematicon AG to show some of their skills and help you navigate through the jungle of false promises by vendors, magic bullets, and misuse of the word „crypto“.] A secure crypto-algorithm is based on the fact that only the key needs to be kept secret, not the algorithm itself. The key is of high value and must be protected. In this talk we will have a look at how to protect keys and why a dedicated hardware is needed to make sure the key is kept secret and always under the control of the owner. Different use cases require different HSMs (Hardware Security Modules). We will have a look at data centres and cloud HSMs as well as

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ROOTS 2019 Talk: Automatic Modulation Parameter Detection In Practice – Johannes Pohl

Sanna/ November 19, 2019/ ROOTS

Internet of Things (IoT) devices have to be small and energy efficient so that resources for security mechanisms tend to be limited. Due to the lack of open source or license free standards, device manufacturers often use proprietary protocols. Software Defined Radios (SDR) provide a generic way to investigate wireless protocols because they operate on nearly arbitrary frequencies, but they output sine waves that have to be demodulated. This demodulation process slows down security investigations because it forces researchers to start on the physical layer while the real reverse-engineering is performed on the logical layer. We contribute an auto-detection system that estimates all demodulation parameters of a wireless signal and, additionally, explicitly returns all these parameters so that they can be fine-tuned afterwards. This allows security researchers to skip the physical layer and work

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ROOTS 2019 Talk: Harzer Roller: Linker-Based Instrumentation for Enhanced Embedded Security Testing – Katharina Bogad

Sanna/ November 14, 2019/ ROOTS

Due to the rise of the Internet of Things, there are many new chips and platforms available for hobbyists and industry alike to build smart devices. The software development kits (SDKs) for these new platforms usually include closed-source binaries comprising wireless protocol implementations, cryptographic implementations, or other library functions, which are shared among all user code across the platform. Leveraging such a library vulnerability has a high impact on a given platform. However, as these platforms are often shipped ready-to-use, classic debug infrastructure like JTAG is often times not available. In this paper, we present a method, called Harzer Roller, to enhance embedded firmware security testing on resource-constrained devices. With the Harzer Roller, we hook instrumentation code into function call and return. The hooking not only applies to the user application code but to

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: 30 CVEs in 30 Days – Eran Shimony

Sanna/ November 12, 2019/ Conference

In recent years, the most effective way to discover new vulnerabilities is considered to be fuzzing. We will present a complementary approach to fuzzing. By using this method, which is quite easy, we managed to get over 30 CVEs across multiple major vendors in only one month. Some things never die. In this session, we’ll show that a huge amount of software is still vulnerable to DLL Hijacking and Symlinks abuse and may allow attackers to escalate their privileges or to DoS a machine. We will show how we generalized these two techniques within an automated testing system called Ichanea, with the aim of finding new vulnerabilities. Our mindset was – choose software that is prone to be vulnerable: Installers, update programs, and services. These types of software are often privileged. Therefore, they are

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: S.C.A.R.E. – Static Code Analysis Recognition Evasion – Andreas Wiegenstein

Sanna/ November 11, 2019/ Conference, Security

Andreas Wiegenstein has expert advise for software security: Companies increasingly rely on static code analysis tools in order to scan (their) (custom) code for security risks. But can they really rely on the results? The typical SCA tool is designed to detect security issues in code that were created by accident / lack of skill. But how reliable are these tools, if someone intentionally places bugs in code that are not supposed to be found? This talk explores several nasty concepts how malicious code could be camouflaged in order to avoid detection by SCA algorithms. On a technical level, the following concepts are covered covert data flow deep call stacks circular calls source mining counter-encoding data laundering Based on this, I will provide some code snippets as proof of concept for the audience to

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Security Analytics and Zero Trust – How Do We Tackle That? – Holger Arends

Sanna/ November 8, 2019/ Conference, Security

For many years we’ve all been in an arms race, fighting daily against new malware varieties and new attack techniques that malicious actors use to fool us and compromise our systems. Many of us rely on state of the art safeguards and have invested tremendous amounts in defending our systems and networks, yet even so, important data is still leaked or important systems are compromised. Firewalls, IDS, IPS or SIEM systems are often unable to prevent or detect attacks. Questions are often raised: “why?” and “how?” is it possible these attacks stay undetected for long periods of time, considering the significant investments into cyber security. And so it seems obvious to say that with the introduction of IoT devices, unmanaged BYOD, combined with legacy systems and end to end encryption, the future will be

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