Deconstruction and Analysis of modern IT Threats – DeepINTEL Security Intelligence Conference disenchants Complexity of Security Threats

Sanna/ November 8, 2019/ Conference, DeepIntel

The modern digital world is constantly threatened. Unfortunately, only a few understand what this actually means. Information security is always presented in distorting stereotypes that have nothing to do with reality. No attack is hammered into a keyboard in minutes. The most dangerous threats can not be detected by watching out for guys in hooded shirts or face masks. Nothing in the digital world can be defused with a simple click. The opposite is the case because domestic and foreign policy have global implications for the digital infrastructure of all organizations. The DeepINTEL Security Intelligence Conference, which takes place every year in Vienna, therefore aims to provide a platform where authorities, businesses, researchers and hackers can productively discuss threats’ characteristics and countermeasures within a closed group. Striking Examples Economic espionage is often cited as

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Saving Private Brian – Michael Burke

Sanna/ November 5, 2019/ Conference

This talk will be given as the story of Brian, an aid worker operating in a hostile third country. When he’s stopped going in at the border he had his iPhone taken from him and then returned to him 15 minutes later. Now he can’t be sure if any malware was implanted on his device. Malware that could compromise him, his organisation and anyone who co-operates with him. He needs his phone to do his work but should he stop using it instead? Are all his contacts already compromised? Should he warn them and should he use his phone to do so? And will he and his phone be tracked to any in-person meetings? iOS malware is rare, advanced and difficult to detect when deployed. I will talk through the above scenario on the

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Lost in (DevOps) Space – Practical Approach for “Lightway” Threat Modeling as a Code – Vitaly Davidoff

Sanna/ November 4, 2019/ Conference, Development

Threat Modeling is a main method to identify potential security weaknesses, and is an important part of any secure design. Threat Modeling provides a model to analyze how to best protect your assets, prevent attacks, harden your systems, and efficiently prioritize security investment. Regardless of programming language, Threat Modeling provides a far greater return than most other security techniques in the software development life cycle (SDLC) process. Therefore, Threat Modeling should be an early priority in application design process. Unfortunately, it is common knowledge that building a full threat model is always heavily resource intensive, requires a full team of expensive security professionals, takes up far too much time, and is not scalable. This talk will describe modern Threat Modeling methodology and practices that can be fully incorporated into your existing agile process. We

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Setting up an Opensource Threat Detection Program – Lance Buttars

Sanna/ November 1, 2019/ Conference, Security

Through the use of event detection monitoring and do it yourself monitoring techniques on a Linux Apache PHP MySQL stack, I will demonstrate how you can create different alarms and reporting surfaces that alert you when your application is being attacked. This case study will demonstrate the use of hacking tools as a defense strategy in a corporate network and will cover the story of the detection of insider threats from the internal application point of view. The entire presentation is a hands-on lab that can be used after the presentation as a guide for attendees to set up a Threat Detection program. We asked Lance a few more questions about his talk. Please tell us the top 5 facts about your talk. The talk covers ways of discovering insider threats. It’s a starting

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Oh! Auth: Implementation Pitfalls of OAuth 2.0 & the Auth Providers Who Have Fell in It – Samit Anwer

Sanna/ October 31, 2019/ Conference

Since the beginning of distributed personal computer networks, one of the toughest problems has been to provide a seamless and secure SSO experience between unrelated servers/services. OAuth is an open protocol to allow secure authorization in a standard method from web, mobile and desktop application. The OAuth 2.0 authorization framework enables third-party applications to obtain discretionary access to a web service. Built on top of OAuth 2, OpenID Connect is a helpful “identity layer” that provides developers with a framework to build functional and secure authentication systems. OpenID Connect can perform identity authorization and provide basic profile information for different clients, from web and mobile apps to JavaScript clients. In this race of providing OAuth/Open ID Connect based access to assets, authorization service providers have been forced to release half-baked solutions in the wild

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Still Secure. We Empower What We Harden Because We Can Conceal – Yury Chemerkin

Sanna/ October 30, 2019/ Conference, Security

The launch of Windows 10 has brought many controversial discussions around the privacy factor of collecting and transmitting user data to Microsoft and its partners. But Microsoft was not the first, Apple did it many years ago and there was no public research on how much data were leaked out from MacOS. There is a statement in the Privacy Policy written by Apple: “Your device will keep track of places you have recently been, as well as how often and when you visited them, in order to learn places that are significant to you, to provide you with personalized services, such as predictive traffic routing, and to build better Photos Memories… ‘Everything’ stores in iCloud service”. Both cases are the same, designed in the same manner and driven by a similar idea to simplify

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Chinese Police and CloudPets – Abraham Aranguren

Sanna/ October 29, 2019/ Conference, Security

[In our Call for Papers we mentioned that DeepSec and specifically DeepINTEL will have a connection to geopolitics. Well, the following description of a presentation at DeepSec gives you an idea of what we meant.] This talk is a summary of three different security audits with an interesting background: First, CloudPets, their epic track record, what we found and what happened afterwards. Next, two mobile apps by Chinese Police: “BXAQ” and “IJOP”, both related to surveillance of ethnic minorities, but in different ways. Stay tuned. Part 1: CloudPets Wouldn’t it be cool, for a parent far from home, to be able to record a voice message with their phone and make the sound come out of a soft toy that children can hug? That’s the idea of CloudPets. Children can even respond directly from

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Scheduled Maintenance for Web Site and Blog

René Pfeiffer/ October 28, 2019/ Administrivia

Today there will be an interruption of power supply and network connectivity. The systems affected are our web site and our blog. While the downtime is scheduled and part of our maintenance, the reason for the downtime was not. It has to do with rain, pipes, and queues. To quote Marcus Ranum: As security or firewall administrators, we’ve got basically the same concerns [as plumbers]: the size of the pipe, the contents of the pipe, making sure the correct traffic is in the correct pipes, and keeping the pipes from splitting and leaking all over the place. Of course, like plumbers, when the pipes do leak, we’re the ones responsible for cleaning up the mess, and we’re the ones who come up smelling awful. Rain, gravitation, the size of pipes, and sediments came to

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Comparing GnuPG With Signal is like Comparing Apples with Smart Light Bulbs – Hans Freitag

Sanna/ October 28, 2019/ Conference, Security

GnuPG is not designed to be used only in E-Mail, it plays an important role in securing all sorts of mission critical data. In this talk I will show you applications of GnuPG that are not E-Mail or Instant Messaging. We asked Hans a few more questions about his talk. Please tell us the top 5 facts about your talk. GnuPG is free software that can be used to encrypt and sign data. Signal is not a free software but may be used to communicate with others. You can’t compare apples with pears. In German the term glowing pear is used for light bulb. My Key ID is: 1553A52AE25725279D8A499175E880E6DC59190F How did you come up with it? Was there something like an initial spark that set your mind on creating this talk? I browsed the

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DeepSec 2019 Training: Threat Hunting with OSSEC – Xavier Mertens

Sanna/ October 26, 2019/ Training

OSSEC is sometimes described as a low-cost log management solution but it has many interesting features which, when combined with external sources of information, may help in hunting for suspicious activity occurring on your servers and end-points. During this training, you will learn the basic of OSSEC and its components, how to deploy it and quickly get results. The second part will focus on the deployment of specific rules to catch suspicious activities. From an input point of view, we will see how easy it is to learn new log formats to increase the detection scope and, from an output point of view, how we can generate alerts by interconnecting OSSEC with other tools like MISP, TheHive or an ELK Stack / Splunk / … and add more contextual content with OSINT feeds. We

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DeepSec 2019 Training: Pentesting Industrial Control Systems – Arnaud Soullie

Sanna/ October 25, 2019/ Training

In this intense two day training at DeepSec, you will learn everything you need to start pentesting Industrial Control Networks [also called Industrial Control Systems (ICS)]. We will cover the basics to help you understand what are the most common ICS vulnerabilities. We will then spend some time learning and exploiting Windows & Active Directory weaknesses, as most ICS are controlled by Windows systems. And we will cover the most common ICS protocols (Modbus, S7, Profinet, Ethernet/IP, DNP3, OPC…), analyze packet captures and learn how to use these protocols to talk to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). You will learn how to program a PLC, to better understand how to exploit them. The training will end with an afternoon dedicated to a challenging hands-on exercise: The first [Capture The Flag] CTF in which you capture

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Threats and Solutions for Supply Chain Attacks in IT – DeepSec conference sheds light on the concatenated logistics of information technology.

Sanna/ October 25, 2019/ Conference

On the web you can find videos of very sophisticated constructions of many dominoes. If you knock over one domino, a whole cascade of breathtaking actions follows. The domino effect in your own IT infrastructure is much less entertaining. Even there, everything usually begins harmlessly with a small action – reading a message, forwarding a document, accessing a web server or receiving a short message from a supposed employee. It becomes particularly exciting when the dominoes are your own suppliers and business partners. This year’s DeepSec Security Conference offers rich content to analyze the interwoven situation of today’s companies and organizations. In networks you need to trust In theory, there is always an outside and an inside. Doors, network filters, access, …. Data management knows this approach. In all IT architectures, therefore, a division

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DeepSec 2019 Training: Mobile Hacking – Davy Douhine and Guillaume Lopes

Sanna/ October 24, 2019/ Training

Guillaume Lopes and Davy Douhine, senior pentesters, will share many techniques, tips and tricks with pentesters, bug bounty researchers or just the curious in a 100% “hands-on” training. Their goal is to introduce tools(Adb, Apktool, Jadx, Androguard, Cycript, Drozer, Frida, Hopper, Needle, MobSF, etc.) and techniques to help you to work faster and in a more efficient way in the mobile ecosystem. This is exactly the training that you would have liked to have before wasting your precious time trying and failing while testing. Agenda Two days based mainly on practical exercises: – Day 1: Android Hacking – Day 2: iOS Hacking Main topics of the training are based on the fresh OWASP MSTG (Mobile Security Testing Guide): – Review the codebase of a mobile app (aka static analysis) – Run the app on

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L’Internet des faits et la peur dans la sécurité informatique – Les conférences DeepSec et DeepINTEL dévoilent leurs programmes – bits, bytes, sécurité et géopolitique

Sanna/ October 17, 2019/ Conference, DeepIntel

« No man is an island ». Cette citation (« Aucun homme n’est une île ») est de l’écrivain anglais John Donne. Si la phrase est devenue célèbre au XVIIe siècle, elle prend un tout autre sens à l’ère du numérique. La version moderne serait plutôt : il n’y a plus aucune île. De plus en plus de domaines du quotidien et de la société sont connectés. Cette année, les conférences sur la sécurité DeepSec et DeepINTEL souhaitent donc jeter un regard sobre sur l’Internet des faits et sur la peur sous l’angle de la sécurité de l’information. Actuellement, les systèmes sont moins isolés et bien plus complexes que ce qui est raisonnable du point de vue de la sécurité. La DeepSec se consacre donc aux nouvelles technologies et à leurs vulnérabilités au cours de deux journées de conférences

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: What’s Wrong with WebSocket APIs? Unveiling Vulnerabilities in WebSocket APIs – Mikhail Egorov

Sanna/ October 16, 2019/ Conference, Security

WebSocket protocol is many times more efficient than HTTP. In recent years we can observe that developers tend to implement functionality in the form of WebSocket APIs instead of traditional REST APIs, that use HTTP. Modern technologies and frameworks simplify the building of efficient WebSocket APIs. We can name GraphQL subscriptions or Websocket APIs supported in Amazon API Gateway. WebSockets APIs have a different security model compared to REST APIs, resulting in unique attack vectors. Nevertheless, developers rarely take them into account. WebSockets in browsers do not use the same-origin policy (SOP) concept, their security model is based on origin check. Out-of-the-box WebSockets provide no authentication and authorization mechanisms. WebSocket protocol is stateful and has two main phases: A handshake and data transfer phase. Most of the time authentication and authorization logic is implemented

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