DeepSec Scuttlebutt: Tech Monsters from Novels and the Call for Papers Reminder

René Pfeiffer/ July 3, 2023/ Call for Papers, Conference, Stories

[This message was published via our DeepSec Scuttlebutt mailing list. The text was written by a human. This is a repost via our blog and Mastodon. Our Call for Papers for DeepSec 2023 is still running. If you have interesting content, please submit your idea.] Dear readers, the wonderful world of computer science and teaching courses has kept me busy. The scuttlebutt mailing list has the aim of having at least one letter per month. It is now the end of June, and the Summer has begun here in Vienna. The university courses have finished. The grades are ready. More projects are waiting. In information society, it is never a good idea to wait until something happens. A lot of blue teams are busy improving defences, testing configurations, and rehearsing their processes. However, there

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Training Teaser: Token Hijacking via PDF File – Video Tutorial

René Pfeiffer/ June 15, 2023/ Conference, Training

Portable documents are nice. It’s always an advantage to read and process documents on different platforms. The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a common format. Unfortunately, PDF can be abused to attack you. PDF files are everywhere and these files can be used to hack your web application. Imagine that the attacker prepares a malicious PDF file which steals sensitive data from a user. The PDF file is uploaded to the web application, the user reads this PDF file, and finally sensitive data is exfiltrated from the user’s browser. It’s scary, isn’t it? In a free video, Dawid Czagan (DeepSec instructor) will show you step by step how this attack works and how you can check if your web application is vulnerable to this attack. Dawid has prepared a free video for you. Have

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DeepSec 2023 Talk: Deepfake vs AI: How To Detect Deepfakes With Artificial Intelligence – Dr. Nicolas Müller

Sanna/ June 6, 2023/ Conference

Artificial intelligence is developing at a breathtaking pace, already surpassing humans in some areas. But with opportunity comes potential for abuse: generative models are getting better at creating deceptively real deepfakes – audio or video recordings of people that are not real, but entirely digitally created. While the technology can be used legitimately for film and television, it has great potential for abuse. This lecture illustrates this problem using audio deepfakes, i.e. fake voice recordings. The technical background of synthesis will be highlighted, and current research on countermeasures will be presented: Can we use AI to expose deepfakes? Can we learn to recognise deepfakes, and if so, how? We asked Dr. Nicolas Müller a few questions about his talk. Please tell us the top 5 facts about your talk. We will listen to Angela

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DeepSec 2023 Training: Mobile Security Testing Guide Hands-On – Sven Schleier

Sanna/ June 5, 2023/ Training

Software cannot be tested by machines alone. In order to identify security weaknesses, you will need the right toolchain and expertise on how to use the tools. Therefore, we asked Sven Schleier to give you a two-day deep dive into mobile security testing. Embark on an exciting journey to master the art of hacking mobile apps! Join this course led by Sven Schleier, where you’ll learn how to analyze mobile apps for security vulnerabilities. With dynamic testing, static analysis, and reverse engineering techniques, you’ll uncover the secrets of app attacks. Dive into Android and iOS testing, using virtualized devices provided by Corellium. Each student will get a rooted Android and jail broken iOS instance for the duration of the training and the only pre-requisite is having a laptop with macOS, Windows, or Linux. Explore

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DeepSec 2023 Workshop: Black Belt Pentesting / Bug Hunting Millionaire (100% Hands-On, Live Online Training, 24-25 October) – Dawid Czagan

Sanna/ June 1, 2023/ Conference, Training

Have you ever thought of hacking web applications for fun and profit? How about playing with authentic, award-winning security bugs identified in some of the greatest companies? If that sounds interesting, join this unique 100% hands-on training! I will discuss security bugs found by several bug bounty programs (including Google, Yahoo, Mozilla, Twitter and others). You will learn how bug hunters think and how to hunt for security bugs effectively. To be successful in bug hunting, you need to go beyond automated scanners. If you are not afraid of going into detail and diving into full-stack exploitation, then this 100% hands-on training is for you. There is a lab exercise for each attack presented in this training + students can take the complete lab environment home after the training session. Watch 3 exclusive videos

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DeepSec 2023 Workshop: Web Hacking Expert: Full-Stack Exploitation Mastery [Video Training, Lifetime Access] – Dawid Czagan

Sanna/ May 30, 2023/ Conference, Training

Watch the trailer for your training! Modern web applications are complex and it’s all about full-stack nowadays. That’s why you need to dive into full-stack exploitation if you want to master web attacks. Say ‘No’ to classical web application hacking, join this unique video training, and take your professional pentesting career to the next level. Dawid Czagan has found security bugs in many companies, including Google, Yahoo, Mozilla, Twitter, and in this video training he will share his experience with you. You will dive deep into full-stack exploitation of modern web applications and you will learn how to hunt for security bugs effectively. Almost 5 hours of high-quality video courses with lots of recorded demos You will get lifetime access to these 5 video courses: Bypassing Content Security Policy in Modern Web Applications –

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DeepSec Workshop 2023: Full-Stack Pentesting Laboratory: 100% Hands-On + Lifetime LAB Access – Dawid Czagan

Sanna/ May 26, 2023/ Conference, Training

Modern IT systems are complex and it’s all about full-stack nowadays. To become a pentesting expert, you need to dive into full-stack exploitation and gain a lot of practical skills. That’s why I created the Full-Stack Pentesting Laboratory. For each attack, vulnerability and technique presented in this training there is a lab exercise to help you master full-stack pentesting step by step. Also, when the training is over, you can take the complete lab environment home to hack again at your own pace. I found security bugs in many companies including Google, Yahoo, Mozilla, Twitter and in this training I’ll share my experience with you. The content of this training has been carefully selected to cover the topics most frequently requested by professional penetration testers. Key Learning Objectives After completing this training, you will

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Exploiting Race Conditions – Video Tutorial

René Pfeiffer/ May 25, 2023/ Training

We updated our schedule. There are already some workshops for you. In addition, we have a video tutorial for you, provided by our trainer Dawid Czagan. It explains how race conditions work. A race condition attack is one of the most dangerous and underestimated attacks on modern web applications. It’s related to concurrency and multi-threading. Because of this attack, an attacker who has $1000 in his bank account can transfer more than $1000 from his bank account. This is just one example, but it clearly shows how dangerous this attack is. In a free video Dawid Czagan (DeepSec instructor) will show you step by step how this attack works and will tell you how to prevent this attack from happening. You can find the video online. The full two-day training session has much more

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DeepSec Twitter Account is scheduled for Deletion

René Pfeiffer/ May 19, 2023/ Administrivia, Conference

A passive stance to IT security doesn’t always work. The same is true for “social” media. The DeepSec Twitter account is scheduled for deletion. We have saved all tweets and will publish them as an archive. Meanwhile you can follow updates from DeepSec and DeepINTEL on Mastodon, our blog, or our LinkedIn company site. No, we won’t join BlueSky until it is out of its pre-gamma prototype phase. So, please join us or subscribe to our mailing list(s).

Understanding Artificial Intelligence, its Use Cases, and Security Implications

René Pfeiffer/ May 15, 2023/ Conference

Hypes and trends are great. You can talk a lot about s specific topic without really understanding the underlying technology. Ever since the AI train has left the station, everyone is talking about it and is trying to solve all kinds of problem with a single algorithmic approach. Large language models (LLMs) are apparently the best invention since division and multiplication. While there is nothing wrong with exploring how technology can be used, the current discussion about the use of AI algorithms has drifted to shamanism. Companies want to feature one of these new algorithms for good luck, promising business models and to save all kinds of effort when dealing with data. Let’s take a step back and review the history of artificial intelligence in computer science. In the 1970s and 1980s expert systems

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Nuclear powered Air-Planes, Hashcash, and the AI Revolution

René Pfeiffer/ April 28, 2023/ Scuttlebutt

[This article is part of the monthly publication on our scuttlebutt mailing list. Not all the scuttlebutt messages are published on our blog. You are encouraged to subscribe to our mailing list.] Dear readers, the world of information technology and information security is driven by trends. This is very similar to the fashion industry or other aspects of our society. However, the impact on all of us is much bigger when a trend shifts the attention of the whole IT industry. Let me give you an example from the world of physics. During my time at the university, I read two books with anecdotes from the life of Richard Feynman. In the context of his work at the Manhattan Project, he told the story that someone from the US government asked him about the

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#DeepSec Press Release: IT Security Has A Deficit In Defence

Sanna/ April 24, 2023/ Press, Security

[DeepSec traditionally leans more on the defence side of things. So we published this article.] Many people are now aware of the importance of information security, but how to operate secure systems is often not obvious. The reason lies in the deficit of real defence measures. This may sound paradoxical, but many products on the market deal with the activities after a successful attack. The prevention of attacks is mostly ignored. This year’s DeepSec conference therefore wants to provide some tuition in digital defence measures. Fire extinguishers instead of fire protection A simple scenario will serve as an illustration. Imagine that a company accumulates flammable material in its offices for historical reasons. Grown procedures lead to the fact that more and more hazardous materials are distributed throughout the premises. There is plenty of space.

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No more automatic Updates for our Twitter Account

René Pfeiffer/ April 13, 2023/ Administrivia, Communication

There will be no more automatic updates on our Twitter account. The synchronisation between our blog and Twitter has been deactivated. The reason is the erratic course Twitter is on. All social media platform benefit from their users and the content that these platforms receive free of charge. We do not want to contribute to a forum any longer that doesn’t respect the efforts of journalists working on fact-based articles. There are a lot more reasons for stopping to use Twitter as a publication platform. Our motivation was the article titled „Danke für den Fisch!“ (translated “Thanks for the fish!”) by Michael Seemann, a German journalist. The article is in German, so you probably need to translate it. Michael explains some strong points for leaving Twitter. Synchronised content and more news about DeepSec and

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DeepSec 2023 Call for Papers is open

René Pfeiffer/ March 9, 2023/ Call for Papers, Conference, DeepIntel

The call for papers of DeepSec 2023 and DeepINTEL 2023 is open! You can submit your ideas for presentations and trainings via our CfP manager form. Content for DeepINTEL should be sent to use directly (but you can use the same web form, just mention what you have in mind). This year’s focus will be on the wonderful world of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related algorithms. The GPT language models have gained notoriety in the media. All the shiny algorithms still lack cognitive skills, but they are decent simulations of communication. Big companies rush to add dumb conversation simulators to their products. What does this mean from the information security perspective? If you have found weaknesses in chat simulators or AI/ML filters, please let us know. It’s your turn to tell HAL 9000

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Translated Article: EU-wide Surveillance Network Already in Set-up Phase

Sanna/ March 3, 2023/ Stories

EU-weites Überwachungsnetz schon in der Aufbauphase by Erich Moechel for A Commission fund for this is ready and the first two pilot projects will be allocated to two interior ministries before the summer. The software tools for data mining were developed in funded Commission AI research projects. Series part three. The forthcoming regulation against child abuse on the net has a far greater scope than has been assumed so far. Foreseen is a new EU authority in The Hague with about 100 employees called “EU Centre”. It is to set up and operate a new data network with nodes in all member states. This process has already begun, because the Commission has set up a fund for network construction in the member states, although there is currently no legal basis for it. In

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