Support your local CryptoParty

René Pfeiffer/ April 29, 2013/ Communication, Discussion, Training

Since September 2012 there are CryptoParty events all over the world. The idea is to bring a group together and have each other teach the basics of cryptography and how to use the various tools that enable you to encrypt and protect information. Of course, encryption by itself cannot guarantee security, but it’s a part of the equation. Since cryptography is hard, most tools using it require a certain amount of knowledge to understand what’s going on and how to properly use them. The CryptoParty helps – in theory and most often in practice, too. If a CryptoParty is near you and you have some knowledge to spare, please take part and share what you know with others. DeepSec supports the local CryptoParty events in Austria, too. Finding a CryptoParty can be easily done

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BSidesLondon and the Rookie Track

René Pfeiffer/ April 12, 2013/ Conference, Discussion

DeepSec is actively supporting the BSidesLondon conference this month. We are joining the panel of mentors of the rookie track, and we’re looking forward to see a lot of interesting talks. In March we talked about our motivation to support the rookie track idea with Finux on the Rookie Track Podcast. DeepSec has been supporting young security researchers for years. Some of them were given an opportunity to speak at past DeepSec conferences in order to present their work. We think that this is a good idea, and here is why: Speaking publicly in front of an audience can be hard. It is even harder if you have never done this before. It gets a lot harder if you talk about IT security, because there’s a chance you found something that probably broke, is

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DeepSec 2013 “Seven Seas” – Call for Papers! Submit! Now!

René Pfeiffer/ April 11, 2013/ Administrivia

DeepSec 2013 “Seven Seas” – Call for Papers Dear Researchers, Hackers, Developers, dear Members of the IT-Security Community: This is our call for papers for DeepSec 2013, the seventh DeepSec In-Depth Security Conference. Our annual event will take place from November 19th to 22th at the Imperial Riding School Renaissance Hotel in Vienna. It consists of two days of workshops followed by a two day long conference. Our speakers and trainers traditionally come from the security community, companies, hacker spaces, journalism and academic organisations, talking about different topics and aspects of IT-Security: current threats and vulnerabilities, social engineering and psychological aspects as well as security management and philosophy. Content For DeepSec 2013 we’re not looking for talks about the latest trending technologies, gadgets and behaviours, no, DeepSec 2013 is all about secrets, failures and

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Accounts receivable and payable

Mika/ April 1, 2013/ Administrivia, Legal

From now on all incoming and outgoing payments for DeepSec and DeepINTEL tickets, sponsor packages, speaker travel reimbursements, hotel, accommodation, catering, support for the community etc. will only be accepted resp. paid in Bitcoins. As we do not trust electronic money transfers (hey, guys – we conduct a security conference!) the following rules will apply: Tickets will only be sold only on-site. We will accept Bitcoins only in cash. Please have the exact amount available as we cannot give change. Bitcoins for speaker travel reimbursements will be sent to the speaker’s home address with registered mail in a neutral envelope. Payments for hotel, accommodation, sponsor packages and other goods and services will be transferred in a inconspicuous suitcase by a courier wearing dark sunglasses. We made this decision because every year we have to

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The Risk of faulty Metrics and Statistics

René Pfeiffer/ March 24, 2013/ Discussion, Security

It’s never a bad idea to see what the outside world looks like. If you intend to go for a walk, you will probably consult the weather report in advance. If you plan to invest money (either for fun or for savings), you will most certainly gather information about the risks involved. There are a lot of reports out there about the IT security landscape, too. While there is nothing wrong with reading reports, you must know what you read, how the data was procured and how it was processed. Not everything that talks percentages or numbers has anything to do with statistics. Let’s talk about metrics by using an example. Imagine an Internet service provider introduced a „real-time map of Cyber attacks“. The map would show attacks to their „honeypot“ systems at 90

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Post-Crypto in a Pre-APT World

René Pfeiffer/ March 2, 2013/ High Entropy, Security Intelligence

There was a Cryptographers’ Panel session at the RSA Conference with Adi Shamir of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Ron Rivest of MIT, Dan Boneh of Stanford University, Whitfield Diffie of ICANN and Ari Juels of RSA Labs. You have probably read Adi Shamir’s statement about implementing (IT) security in a „post-crypto“ world. He claimed that cryptography would become less important for defending computer systems and that security experts have to rethink how to protect valuable information in the light of sophisticated Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs). „Highly secured“ Infrastructure has been compromised despite „state of the art” defence mechanisms. So what does rethinking really mean? Do we have to start from scratch? Should we abandon everything we use today and come up with a magic bullet (or a vest more appropriately)? Our first implication

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DeepSec 2013 – CfP: Covering Secrets, Failures & Visions!

René Pfeiffer/ February 21, 2013/ Conference, Security

DeepSec 2013 – Secrets, Failures & Visions – Call for Papers We are preparing the call for papers for DeepSec 2013, and we are trying to shift your mindset. We could easily come up with a list of trending technologies, gadgets and behaviours that will have an impact on information security. Instead we are looking for presentations and workshops dealing with secrets, failures and visions. This gives us another perspective and hopefully more to think about. Secrets Every person, every group, every enterprise and every government has them. Secrets are the very reason why information security uses encryption, access control, even doors and locks (physical and otherwise). You wouldn’t need all of this if it weren’t for safeguarding the secrets. Failures Sometimes things go wrong. Often not only by malicious action, but also by

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A Security Conference is not a Flashmob

Mika/ January 28, 2013/ Mission Statement

Suddenly: Security Speakers! (This is the first part of a series which can be regarded as our “Mission Statements”.) No, this is not what a conference should be like: By some obscure coincidence 32 speakers emerge with a talk in their pockets and hit the stage, one after the other. Rather this is true: We are shaping our DeepSec and DeepINTEL events and those who know us a little bit closer are not surprised. We are searching for topics, we are soliciting submissions and we invite people to our stage whom we find interesting, ground-breaking, promising, surprising or just plain ingenious. Additionally we read our CfP submissions very carefully and often we discuss the submissions with the speakers if we are not fully confident where the talk leads to. We also discuss submissions with

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Call for Papers Security BSides London 2013

René Pfeiffer/ December 25, 2012/ Conference

This is a gentle reminder that the Call for Papers for Security BSides London still runs until January 5th 2013. If you got some extra time during the boring Christmas days or right after New Year’s Eve, then you should submit. Show us how you break or fix something! And if you have never presented before, you should definitely take a look at the Rookie Track. BSides London actively supports speakers with little or no experience on stage. Submit a talk, get a mentor, prepare and tell us what you have found! See you in London!

DeepSec 2012 Articles and Slides

René Pfeiffer/ December 20, 2012/ Conference, Press

We have collected links to articles covering DeepSec 2012. If we missed one, please let us know. Arron Finnon’s Report on the DeepSEC Conference “Breaking SAP Portal” by Alexander Polyakov DeepSec 2012: Insecurity? It’s just a matter of time (in German) DeepSec 2012: IT-Sicherheitskonferenz in Wien (in German) DeepSec 2012: Services of cyber crime and cyber weapons in the Cloud (in German) DeepSec 2012: Wargames in the Fifth Domain (in German) DeepSec 2012: When I Grow up I want to be a Cyberterrorist (in German) “Malware Analysis on a shoestring budget” commented by Michael Boman The Evolution of e-Money (by Jon Matonis) SAP Slapping (by Dave Hartley) Sicherheitschecks von iPhone-Apps für fast jeden möglich (in German) Übernahme des Hypervisors über ein Gastsystem (in German) The slides of DeepSec 2012 can be found for download

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DeepINTEL 2013 Call for Papers is open!

René Pfeiffer/ December 13, 2012/ Administrivia, Security Intelligence

During the opening of DeepSec 2012 we announced that there will be a second DeepINTEL seminar taking place in Summer 2013. We have successfully explored topics of security intelligence and strategic security at the past seminar. We wish to continue and ask you to send us submissions for presentations by e-mail. DeepINTEL is a single track two day event addresses mainly critical infrastructure, state organizations (administrative and law enforcement), accredited CERTs, finance organizations and trusted parties and organizations with a strong relation or partnership to the aforementioned. Due to the sensitive topics and the nature of the participants and speakers we will have a vetting process for participants. We’d like to know our audience, so that we all can talk freely and openly during the event. In addition there will be no recordings published

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Apology – “Bad Things in Good Packages”

René Pfeiffer/ December 11, 2012/ Administrivia, Conference

We’re almost back to daily routine after having a wonderful DeepSec 2012. Given the feedback from speakers and attendees they loved the atmosphere at the conference and at the hotel. We are happy to hear about this and keep an open ear for further comments on your DeepSec experience. However, things can go wrong and they often will. There’s no way around this as every organisation team will confirm. Most of the problems were dealt with by our own damage control teams at the conference. There’s one issue that we wish to discuss openly. We received complaints via Twitter about the slides of the talk „Bad Things in Good Packages – Creative Exploit Delivery“ published by the speaker on Slideshare on 30 November 2012. The complaint was about the offensive portrayal of women. The

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DeepSec supports Security B-Sides London 2013

René Pfeiffer/ December 11, 2012/ Conference

We are happy to announce that we will support the Security B-Sides London 2013! Specifically we support the BSides London “Rookie Track”, and we offer a ticket for DeepSec 2013 including two nights at the conference hotel in Vienna. There’s also a special arrangement covering a flight to Vienna and back. We believe in new ideas and new perspectives. That’s why we offer special slots at our conference for young security researchers (the U21 category marked in our CfP form). We will be present during the “Rookie Track” talks during BSides London. DeepSec wishes to encourage any kind of security research by supporting curious and talented researchers. Never having presented results in public should be no reason not to share them with all of us. We believe that the idea of having mentors and

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DeepSec 2012 Talk: When I Grow up I want to be a Cyberterrorist

René Pfeiffer/ November 25, 2012/ Conference

We have asked Mike Kemp to give an overview of what to expect from his talk When I Grow up I want to be a Cyberterrorist: Terrorism is not big. It is not clever. It is definitely not funny (unless it involves pies in the face). It can however (like so much in life), be utterly absurd. To clarify, the reactions to it can be. The UK is the most surveiled place on earth (outside of Disneyland). The United Kingdom has lots of cameras, lots of privately collected and held data, lots of asinine legislation, and lots of panic. The media and political classes have conspired to protect the once freedom loving residents of the UK against themselves (and we are not alone in living the Panopticon dream). Frankly, it’s pissing me off. In

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Using untrusted Network Environments

René Pfeiffer/ November 15, 2012/ Administrivia, Conference, Security

We mentioned on Twitter that DeepSec 2012 will again feature an open wireless network. This means that there will be no barriers when connecting to the Internet – no passwords, no login, no authentication and no encryption. Some of us are used to operate in untrusted environments, most others aren’t. So the tricky part is giving proper advice for all those who are not familiar with protecting their computing devices and network connections. We don’t know what your skills are, but we try to give some (hopefully) sensible hints. If you are well-versed with IT security and its tools, then you probably already know what you are doing. Nevertheless it’s a good habit to double-check. We caught one of our own sessions chairs with his crypto pants down and found a password – just

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