DeepSec 2024 Talk: AI’s New Era: Impacts on Health Data Security and Beyond – Sina Yazdanmehr & Lucian Ciobotaru

Sanna/ October 21, 2024/ Conference/ 0 comments

It has become easier to create AI systems because of the availability of many options and datasets. These AIs can quickly gain expert knowledge in different domains, enabling attackers to exploit scientific knowledge and target system and data security, which was not workable before. Although recent studies have highlighted these impacts, a tangible example has been missing. For instance, attackers can use AI’s expert knowledge in the healthcare sector to perform complex attacks with no need of domain expertise. Earlier this year, Google launched Health Connect, an Android app designed to share data seamlessly between medical and fitness apps, intended to replace Google Fit. While Health Connect is robust against conventional cyberattacks, it is susceptible to these emerging threats. In this talk, we will show an example of these threats by explaining a malicious

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DeepSec 2024 Training: The Mobile Playbook: Dissecting iOS and Android Apps – Sven Schleier

Sanna/ September 9, 2024/ Conference, Training

This course teaches you how to analyse Android and iOS apps for security vulnerabilities, by going through the different phases of testing, including dynamic testing, static analysis and reverse engineering. Sven will share his experience and many small tips and tricks to attack mobile apps that he collected throughout his career and bug hunting adventures. We asked Sven a few more questions about his training. Please tell us the top 5 facts about your training. Focus: The course teaches penetration testing of Android and iOS apps using the OWASP Mobile Application Security Testing Guide (MASTG). The OWASP MASTG is an open-source documentation project that summarises techniques for penetration testing and reverse engineering of mobile apps. Hands-on Experience: We will go through many labs and real-world scenarios with customized apps. Many of the labs can

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