DeepSec 2012 Talk: SAP Slapping
DeepSec 2012 covers SAP in-depth, and we decided also to include a presentation on how to test/pen-test SAP installation. Dave Hartley will give you an overview about how to approach SAP, show you what you can do, and probably achieve complete compromise of insecure and misconfigured SAP environments by pressing buttons. ☺ SAP systems can incorporate many different modules ERP, ECC, CRM, PLM, SCM, SR, … that are installed on multiple operating systems (UNIX, HP-UX, Linux and Windows etc.) which in turn rely on many different back end databases (DB2, Sybase ASE, Oracle, MS SQL, MaxDB and Informix). There are also many different versions/application stacks (SAP Netweaver 7.1 ABAP AS, 7.2 ABAP/Java AS, 7.3 ABAP/Java AS, …). Basically SAP systems often consist of very complex architectures and employ a myriad of integration choices in order to