Translated Article: Ten EU Countries already rely on decentralized Corona Virus Apps

Sanna/ May 12, 2020/ Security, Stories

Schon zehn EU-Staaten setzen auf dezentrale Coronavirus-Apps by Erich Moechel for Apple and Google also support the privacy-friendly, decentralized protocol DP-3T. Without technical support in the operating systems of these two groups, no app with Bluetooth tracing can deliver useful results. The decision by Austria and Switzerland to use a corona virus app with decentralized data storage (DP-3T) triggered a chain reaction. By Friday, ten EU countries had already left the large-scale “Pan-European Project for Data Protection-Compliant Person Tracing” (PEPP-PT). The centralized data collection of PEPP-PT leaves all possibilities for data mining open, a deanonymisation of the data is also included. Apple and Google, which support the DP-3T standard, are constantly publishing new specifications for the necessary app interfaces in Android and IOS. Without the support of these two companies, whose operating systems

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Talk: Intelligent Bluetooth fuzzing – Why bother?

René Pfeiffer/ September 21, 2011/ Conference, Security

Bluetooth devices and software implementations have been a fruitful playground for security researchers for years. You probably remember the PoC code from the and other bugs dragged out into the open. Riding public transport often led to Bluetooth scanning with tools such as Blooover. But that’s all past and gone. Software has evolved. Developers have learned. Modern quality assurance won’t let this happen again. Sadly this is fiction. Tommi Mäkilä has some stories to share about the state of Bluetooth: „Bluetooth robustness is wretched, no surprise there. Bluetooth test results from plugfests show 80% failure rate, eight out of ten tests end with a crash. It is not pretty, it is sad and frustrating. For a moment, few years back, there seemed to be light at the end of the tunnel: the failures

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