DeepSec and DeepINTEL 2025 – Call for Papers!

René Pfeiffer/ March 19, 2025/ Administrivia, Call for Papers, Conference, DeepIntel/ 0 comments

We have silent running since December. The reasons were behind-the-scenes updates, post-processing the past DeepSec conference, recharging our batteries, and adapting to the new situation in IT security influenced by geopolitics. Following the news since 20 January took a lot of head-shaking and wondering what the rest of 2025 will look like. This is where you come in. We want to see and hear you on stage at DeepSec and possibly DeepINTEL 2025. The Call for Papers is now open. The motto for DeepSec this year is “forbidden lore”. It is a reference to forbidden knowledge, the debate about full disclosure, and hard facts that are now declared illegal by authoritarian governments. DeepSec has always followed a scientific approach for discussing and questioning IT security. One of our past conferences even had the motto

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DeepSec 2023 Call for Papers is open

René Pfeiffer/ March 9, 2023/ Call for Papers, Conference, DeepIntel

The call for papers of DeepSec 2023 and DeepINTEL 2023 is open! You can submit your ideas for presentations and trainings via our CfP manager form. Content for DeepINTEL should be sent to use directly (but you can use the same web form, just mention what you have in mind). This year’s focus will be on the wonderful world of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and related algorithms. The GPT language models have gained notoriety in the media. All the shiny algorithms still lack cognitive skills, but they are decent simulations of communication. Big companies rush to add dumb conversation simulators to their products. What does this mean from the information security perspective? If you have found weaknesses in chat simulators or AI/ML filters, please let us know. It’s your turn to tell HAL 9000

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Thanks for your submission! We are working on final reviews.

René Pfeiffer/ August 2, 2021/ Conference

In the past months we kept blogging about various issues in information security and news regarding our event in November. The Summer months are hard on the process of following news with articles. A lot of things happen, and software still has security-relevant bugs. It’s just that fewer people (than usual) care. We care, and therefore we will complete the reviews of your submissions. The preliminary schedule will be published soon. Thanks for taking your time! We appreciate your contributions. You have made the reviews very hard, as every year. 😉 If you still have some ideas, feel free to submit them!

ROOTS 2021 – Call for Papers

René Pfeiffer/ May 10, 2021/ Conference

The Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium, an academic workshop, is again co-located with the DeepSec conference in its fifth year. ROOTS solicits contributions that focus on theorems and root shells: In security, two things you absolutely cannot argue with. Security is hard to define. Most often, security is defined by its absence. For scientists, this is particularly unsatisfactory. A lack of definition increases the difficulty to find suitable quantitive and qualitative models. Even though the overall landscape is blurry at best; exploitation, reverse engineering, and offensive techniques have their place. ROOTS aims to explore this territory. The first European symposium of its kind, ROOTS aims to provide an industry-friendly academic platform to discuss trends in exploitation, reversing, offensive techniques, and effective protections. Submissions should provide novel attack forms, describe novel reversing techniques, or effective

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DeepSec, ROOTS and DeepINTEL Update – Call for Papers open

René Pfeiffer/ April 19, 2021/ Administrivia, Call for Papers, Conference, DeepIntel

Planning events is still challenging. The COVID-19 pandemic celebrated its first birthday. Despite efforts not to have the second birthday of the pandemic, the ever changing regulations and statues updates regarding the infections make preparations for conferences very hard. We know you want to plan as well, therefore we have an update for you. DeepSec, ROOTS, and DeepINTEL will happen on-site here in Vienna. We closely coordinate with our conference hotel. Their staff is eager to reopen. Everything depends on the rate of vaccination and the regulations issued by the European and Austrian authorities. There is not much we can influence. Given our health protection measure we worked out last year, we are well prepared to handle everything short of a total lockdown. We don’t do any forecasts at the moment. The next months

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Administrivia: DeepSec Mailing Lists and last Call for our CfPs

René Pfeiffer/ July 25, 2020/ Administrivia, Conference

Summer is always a bad time for getting things done. Usually people are on holiday, sweat, relax, or travel for recreation. Things are different due to the Covid-19 precautions. Unfortunately our Call for Papers ends on 31 July 2020. This means we have to remind you about the deadline. We plan to publish the schedule in mid-August, so we don’t have much choice to ask you again for research results, insights, incidents, weaknesses, helpful hints for defence, and more.. Tell us about your research. Keep our reviewers busy! We have some additional information. We added a mailing list system to our infrastructure. The server is run by our event partners, the Crowes. So you can get news by raven, not only figuratively. The mailing lists we created are a tool to keep you informed.

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Contact Tracing and the Security of Things

René Pfeiffer/ April 17, 2020/ Call for Papers, Discussion

The spread of Sars-Cov-2 keeps everyone on their toes. Given the emotional state after weeks and months of physical distancing (which we recommend; social distancing has been the norm for decades). We have closed our office in March and heavily rely on telecommunication. Fortunately we did not need to reinvent the Internet. Many of you have probably done the same. We hope that you manage to stay healthy until things can get back to “normal”. Speaking of communication and normality, there are some aspects of the current situation we like to point out. Every security conference features presentations shedding light on important tools, libraries, applications, or protocols people rely on. Humans like to communicate. The degree varies, but essentially few can do without talking, writing, hearing, or seeing stuff (i.e. messages). This is even

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DeepSec 2020 Call for Papers is open!

René Pfeiffer/ February 26, 2020/ Call for Papers, Conference

We are looking for presentations and trainings for the next DeepSec In-Depth Security Conference. DeepSec 2020 will explore the focus masquerade. Attribution is hard. To make matters worse for everyone connected to information security – masquerade is ubiquitously present in hardware and software. You might also call some of it disinformation, which was the world of the year 2019. Security-wise many things hide behind a façade. Disinformation is the tool of the trade these days. So DeepSec 2020 has chosen the motto “Masquerade” for this year. Tell us where the veils are, what camouflages are used, and expose the real threats! You can submit your content via our call for papers page on our web site. We have also a special email address for content submissions. You can either use cfp [at] deepsec [dot]

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Rookie Track Registration BSidesLondon – don’t miss the deadlines!

René Pfeiffer/ February 12, 2020/ Call for Papers, Conference

BSidesLondon has opened the Rookie Track registration. Submit your project ideas. Get a chance to present at an information security event. Let mentors guide you to the stage. We are pretty sure that you have something to share with us. This won’t be the last reminder. Deadlines are closer than you think, quite similar to objects in the rear view mirror. We enjoyed many Rookie presentations at BSidesLondon, and your content is valuable to the audience. The fact that seats get scarce very quickly is a good indicator that your contribution should be submitted to the Rookie Track registration before the call for presentation closes. The best two rookies will get the opportunity to travel to Vienna in November and attend DeepSec 2020. The first rookie can relax and enjoy our conference. The second

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DeepSec 2020 Scholar Program – Call for Applications

René Pfeiffer/ February 11, 2020/ Administrivia, Call for Papers, Conference

DeepSec 2020 wants to support your project. We have teamed up with partners to foster research in information security. We already support the BSidesLondon Rookie Track, support the Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium (ROOTS), publish the DeepSec Chronicles, and support individuals in their research. Now we want to go one step further. Purpose: To encourage research by young professionals and academics on new and emerging cyber security issues, information security, new ways to use technology, defence, offence, and weaknesses in hardware/software/designs. Suggested Topics: Vulnerabilities in mobile devices, vulnerabilities in the Internet of Things (IoT), advances in polymorphic code, software attacks on hardware wallets, side channel attacks, hacking industrial control systems and smart cities, quantum and post quantum computing, penetration testing – defining what it means and standardization, and related topics. Let your creativity run

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Secure Design – Combining Information Security with Software Development

René Pfeiffer/ February 5, 2020/ Discussion, High Entropy

Information security researchers usually see software fail. Sometimes they try to make software fail on purpose. The result is a bug description, also called vulnerability report in case the bug has a security impact. The the best case scenario this information reaches the software developers who in turn fix the problem. Then the cycle continues. This process is fun for the first iterations. After a while it gets boring. Even a while after that you ask yourself why integer overflow, injection attacks, and basic cross-anything is still an issue. Some bug classes are well over 40 years old. Polio is far older, and yet we got rid of it (mostly). What’s different in the field of software creation? The answers are simple, endless, and change depending on the current trend. Just as computing changed

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Last Call: DeepSec 2019 Call for Papers ends today!

René Pfeiffer/ July 31, 2019/ Call for Papers

If you ware interested in presenting at DeepSec 2019, then you have 12 hours left to submit your proposal. It will get tough, because we have received a lot of submissions already, and we are currently hard at work reviewing all of them. Nevertheless your content counts! Submit your presentation or your research. Do not forget that your research can also be submitted for the Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium 2019 (ROOTS) by using the ROOTS Call for Paper submission. Your presentation about the intertwined world of geopolitics and information security for DeepINTEL 2019 should go via email to use. You can use cfp (at) deepsec (dot) .net or simply deepsec (at) deepsec (dot) net.

Thoughts on Geopolitics and Information Security

René Pfeiffer/ July 12, 2019/ Call for Papers, DeepIntel, Discussion, High Entropy

Geopolitics is a rather small word for very complex interactions, strategies, tactics, and the planning (of lack thereof) of events. Reading about topics connected to it is probably familiar to you. Few news articles can do without touching geopolitic aspects. Since politics has less technological content for most people, the connection to information security may not be obvious. Malicious software such as Stuxnet/WannaCry has changed this. Due to the events connected to their outbreak (or attack) the motivations of national agendas on the international stage have created awareness. There is a lot more to explore which is not on the radar of most experts, even in the field of information security. The current trade wars have a major impact on technology and ultimately information security. When it comes to vendors there is a bias

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Reminder – Call for Papers DeepSec & DeepINTEL – Send your submissions!

René Pfeiffer/ July 8, 2019/ Call for Papers

We have been a bit radio silent since BSidesLondon. This is due to the hot weather in Austria, the preparations for the next DeepSec Chronicles book, some interesting features for DeepSec, and of course because of the submissions we received so far. We have a shortlist for the trainings which we will publish in the next few days. The Call for Papers still runs until 31 July 2019. So if you have some idea of how to fix the SKS keyserver infrastructure, know something about nation state hacking, broke a couple of things, have angered software developers by putting their code to the test, or have some general and very specific information to share, then send us your submission! The focus of DeepINTEL 2019 will be on the geopolitical aspects of information security. This

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Ongoing DeepSec Call for Workshops – Trainers welcome!

René Pfeiffer/ April 2, 2019/ Call for Papers, Training

The Call for Workshops for the DeepSec conference in November 2019 is still open. If you have something to teach, let us know as soon as possible! We intend to inform potential trainees in the beginning of May about their options. This allows for a better planning and preparation, because we receive early requests for workshop content every year. So if you have something to teach, please let us know! You don’t need to use the Call for Papers manager in case you have content ready in a different format or just want to send us teaser materials. Topics we are looking for include (applied) cryptography, secure software development & design, helpful in-depth hints for penetration testers, sensible guides for combining machine learning/artificial intelligence with information security, in-depth network knowledge, threat hunting, and strategic

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