DeepSec 2023 Talk: Adding Intelligence into a Security Program – Catalin Curelaru

Sanna/ October 6, 2023/ Conference

Cyber threat intelligence has become a critical security area for organisations trying to defend against threat actors. It is slowly making the shift from a buzzword to an actionable true program. But how confident are you as a security professional that you are moving in the right direction? Should a CTI program heavily focus on the APTs and ransomware groups, or could the focus be elsewhere? The following presentation will walk you through an APT case, present some key prioritizations on what is relevant at a specific time for a CTI program and evolve as time goes on. A reference case can be found online. We asked Catalin a few more questions about his talk. Please tell us the top 5 facts about your talk. APTs, Pandas, Bears, Visma Security Program, Cyber Threat Intelligence

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