DeepSec 2024 Press Release: State Attacks on Information Security continue unabated. End-to-end Encryption remains an important and threatened Component of Security.

Sanna/ June 9, 2024/ Press/ 0 comments

The introduction of strong encryption has repeatedly led to disputes with authorities and the government in the past. Whether it’s mobile networks, email systems, messengers or the World Wide Web, every iteration of the technical protocols requires backdoors that jeopardise the entire communications infrastructure. The DeepSec conference warns against opening the door to espionage. Secure or insecure, that is the Question Encryption inevitably has to do with mathematics, and the algorithms used in encryption technologies almost always originate from mathematical research. There are ready-made and well-tested components for IT infrastructures that are freely available. The critical point in securing communication is always to prevent messages from being intercepted. The only way to do this is with end-to-end encryption (EE2E). The keys involved remain exclusively with the sender and recipient. All parties involved in forwarding

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DeepSec 2024 Press Release: The limits of ‘AI’ language models lie in security. DeepSec warns: ‘AI’ language models generate content and override authorisations

Sanna/ June 4, 2024/ Conference, Press/ 0 comments

    Language model algorithms, also known as generative artificial intelligence, continue to celebrate their supposed triumphant advance through many media platforms. Security researchers have analysed the products and revealed a number of weaknesses in the ‘AI’ applications. This year’s DeepSec conference is dedicated to the threats posed by ‘AI’ learning models that use incomplete restrictions to analyse public and sensitive data. Large Language Models (LLMs) as Auto-Completion The technical description of the many ‘artificial intelligence’ (‘AI’) products on the market is impressive. In simple terms, the concept behind the advertising campaigns consists of algorithms that copy as much data as possible, break it down and then recombine it to provide answers to any questions. The learning process when creating the language model is not initially monitored or moderated. Only in later phases does

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Thanks for attending DeepSec and DeepINTEL 2023!

René Pfeiffer/ November 24, 2023/ Administrivia, Conference, DeepIntel

DeepSec 2023 ended a week ago, and it was amazing! We shout out a big thanks to all the speakers and all the attendees that made the conference memorable! Usually there is a period of several days after the conference where you hear nothing from us. We are not hibernating; we are in full post-production mode. Office life has caught up. The video material is currently being prepared for upload. Everyone who attended the conference will get early access to the presentations. Bear with us. We will send a notification once everything is ready. For everyone who missed the closing presentation, here are the dates for our events in 2024. Open your calendar, mark the dates. Also, do not forget to book early! We have a limit because of the conference venue safety regulations.

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