DeepSec 2019 Workshop: Attacks on the Diffie-Hellman Protocol – Denis Kolegov & Innokentii Sennovskii
This workshop is a hands-on task-based study of the Diffie-Hellman protocol and its modern extensions focusing on vulnerabilities and attacks. It is not a full day training, but it will be held during the conference. Everyone interested in applied cryptography and attacks connected to this topics should attend. Seats are limited! Some of the topics that will be highlighted: Diffie-Hellman key exchange Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman Variants of Diffie-Hellman protocol: Ephemeral, static, anonymous, authenticated Diffie-Hellman X3DH, Noise and SIGMA protocols Forward secrecy and post-compromise security Small-subgroup attack Pollard’s rho and lambda algorithms Invalid curve attack Curve twist attack Protocol attacks (MitM, replay, KCI, UKS) Labs: Small subgroup attack against multiplicative group DH Invalid curve attack against ECDH Twist attack KCI attack Key Takeaways Learn about Diffie-Hellman key exchange Learn about applying Diffie-Hellman in modern protocols Hands-on