DeepSec 2024 Press Release: Manipulation on Social Media is dangerous for Democracies

Sanna/ September 24, 2024/ Conference, Press

DeepSec conference publishes schedule and focuses on disinformation algorithms The original purpose of introducing Social Media was to provide individuals with a platform for expressing their own views. However, its increasing popularity has led to a creeping appropriation. Texts generated by algorithms, robot farms and dubious decisions by platform operators have turned social media into a hotbed of disinformation. The casual click on share, like buttons or the insertion of arbitrary comments, creates efficiency in mass manipulation. Political commentator Randahl Fink will analyse these practices at the opening of the DeepSec conference. Information and disinformation Most people think of technical implementations when they hear the terms information technology (IT) or information security. Of course, the foundation comprises networks, server systems, storage media and connections to the Internet. In addition, there are many end devices

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DeepSec 2023 Talk: Oil – But at What Cost: Azerbaijan and the EU’s Murky Partnership – Pavle Bozalo

Sanna/ November 3, 2023/ Conference

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the European Union has rightfully sought to reduce its dependence on Russian oil with the ultimate aim of completely eliminating it. In this quest for trustworthy oil suppliers, Brussels has turned to countries such as Azerbaijan who, although wealthy in oil, have dubious human rights records and who, in many ways, are at the forefront of cyber surveillance and cyberwarfare. This quest has come at a cost, with the EU keeping mum on Azerbaijan’s armed invasion of the Nagorno-Karabakh territories southwards of Armenia – a scenario otherwise eerily similar to Russia’s armed invasion. As it cracks down on spyware within the EU, the European Commission buys Azeri President Aliyev’s oil, apparently unaware of hackers from Baku rolling out spyware and remote access trojans. Not only do Armenian officials find

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