DeepSec 2024 Talk: V2GEvil: Ghost in the Wires – Pavel Khunt & Thomas Sermpinis

Sanna/ September 26, 2024/ Conference

This research is dedicated to enhancing the cybersecurity of electric vehicles, focusing specifically on identifying vulnerabilities in the Electric Vehicle Communication Controller (EVCC). This controller facilitates communication with the Supply Equipment Communication Controller during the charging process. Accessible through the On-Board Charging (OBC) port, which is as publicly available as the gas tank in combustion engine vehicles. The research journey began by studying the electric vehicle charging ports, how they communicate, and the standards they follow, especially focusing on ISO 15118. Then, we closely looked at how On-Board Charging (OBC) works, especially its communication protocols during charging, focusing specially on the High-Level Communication (HLC). Our research efforts resulted in the development of a dedicated security tool. This tool examines and assesses the implementation of the EVCC (Electric Vehicle Communication Controller). It can simulate the

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