Translated Article: New ETSI Standard for Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

Sanna/ September 9, 2021/ Stories

Neuer ETSI-Standard zur Meldung von Sicherheitslücken by Erich Moechel for The European Standards Institute for Telecommunications ETSI, previously known more for the standardization of back doors for surveillance authorities than for IT security, is now concerned with finding non-standardized security vulnerabilities. Late but still, the discovery of ever new, critical security gaps in IT equipment in industry has finally woken up the European Standards Institute for Telecommunications (ETSI). The public review period for an ETSI specification, which is intended to standardize the reporting process of security vulnerabilities by third parties, runs until September 15. Since the introduction of LTE (4G), the standards of the IT world have increasingly applied to the formerly proprietary networks of the telecoms. This specification takes this into account by standardizing important IT security processes for the world of telecommunications. However,

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