Translated Article: EU-wide Surveillance Network Already in Set-up Phase

Sanna/ March 3, 2023/ Stories

EU-weites Überwachungsnetz schon in der Aufbauphase by Erich Moechel for A Commission fund for this is ready and the first two pilot projects will be allocated to two interior ministries before the summer. The software tools for data mining were developed in funded Commission AI research projects. Series part three. The forthcoming regulation against child abuse on the net has a far greater scope than has been assumed so far. Foreseen is a new EU authority in The Hague with about 100 employees called “EU Centre”. It is to set up and operate a new data network with nodes in all member states. This process has already begun, because the Commission has set up a fund for network construction in the member states, although there is currently no legal basis for it. In

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Translated Article: New EU Regulation makes securely encrypted Chats illegal

Sanna/ July 13, 2022/ Stories

Neue EU-Regulierung macht sicher verschlüsselte Chats illegal by Erich Moechel for [This article has been sitting in our translation queue for a while. We have translated the content, because Erich monitors the development of the war against encryption for many decades and has always deep insights into the processes behind the scenes.] The word “encryption” is hardly mentioned directly in the Commission’s draft, which aims to make end-to-end encryption illegal in general. Series, Part 1. The EU Commissioner Ylva Johansson’s Regulation on Combating Child Abuse on the Internet, which was presented on Wednesday, caused incredulous amazement in the professional world. “This will be the most sophisticated system of mass surveillance ever set up outside of Russia or China,” prominent cryptographer Matthew Green wrote in a first reaction on Twitter. Securely encrypted chats are de

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