Complexity of Dependencies in Multidimensional Systems – Corona Virus

René Pfeiffer/ February 28, 2020/ Administrivia, Conference, High Entropy

This blog is often silent. Our policy is to publish if there is real information to send out. DeepSec is all about facts. We don’t do speculation. Sometimes it is hard to idly watch „news“ being published, revised, withdrawn, altered, commented, and even deleted. We, to the best of our abilities, try not to publish something which doesn’t hold. But we read and watch a lot or articles, opinion, and other sources. For the rare cases where we need to publish our opinion we have created the High Entropy category in this blog. This category is all about the things we like to discuss. This time it’s about biology, containment, and IT security defence. Let’s have a look at the current coronavirus. We are in touch with various partners in different countries. You may

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BSidesLondon 2017 – Sharing is indeed Caring

René Pfeiffer/ June 20, 2017/ Discussion, High Entropy

When airport security meets information security it’s usually BSidesLondon time. It was a great experience. And since DeepSec sponsors the Rookie Track we had a very tough decision to make. It’s really hard to pick a winner. A lot of presentations were excellent, and the presenters made the most out of the 15 minutes. The winner is Thaís for her introduction to malware analysis by using satisfiability modulo theories (SMT). If you get the chance of seeing her presenting somewhere, take a seat and listen to her. We also like to recommend Colette‘s presentation titled ‘How the f**k do I get in? One woman’s struggle to break into cyber security!’. Despite the title it was not a rant, it was a clear and concise summary of the state of affairs for women in technology.

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The Future of Entangled Security States – Quantum Computing Conference in Berlin

René Pfeiffer/ May 25, 2017/ Conference, Security

Quantum computing is a fashionable term these days. Some IT news articles are talking about post-quantum cryptography, qbits, and more quantum stuff. If you don’t know how the terms relate to each other, what entangled states in quantum physics are, and what everything has to do with computing, then you will have a hard time figuring out what it means for you and your infrastructure. The relationship to cryptography is yet another matter best explored after you know the basics. Using quantum effects in computing and cryptography is already done. The best example are some hardware random generators which use properties of, well, the hardware to harvest entropy. And then there is quantum key distribution (QKD). It is a method to ensure secure communication between two or more nodes. Vienna even had a working

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Submit your Talk – Call for Papers for BSidesLondon

René Pfeiffer/ March 14, 2017/ Call for Papers

The Call for Papers for BSidesLondon is still running! If you haven’t submitted your talk yet, please do! The deadline is 27 March 2017. Don’t miss it! The Wonderful World of Cyber is full of stuff to talk about. There is broken software all over the Internet (of Things). 0days await. Infrastructure is ready to be defended or attacked. Let others know about your ideas. If you have never presented at a conference before, then you should consider a submission for the rookie track. You have to start somewhere or somewhen, so why not at BSidesLondon? Looking forward to listen to your presentation at BSidesLondon!

DeepSec Administrivia for 2017, the Year of the Cyber

René Pfeiffer/ January 20, 2017/ Administrivia, Conference

2017 is in full swing, and it didn’t wait long. December was full of „hacking“ news. It seems digital war(e)fare knows no break. We will address some of the issues in a series of blog articles. Also we have uploaded the DeepSec 2016 videos to Vimeo. Attendees and speaker will get access before we publish the videos for everyone. This is our review in case someone doesn’t like a video or needs to adapt the description. The date for DeepSec will be published soon, along with the date. We look to the fourth quarter of the year, as usual. The Call for Papers will be online in February. If you got some ideas, write them to us. We have plenty of topics to address. The most pressing problem was raised at the 33C3. Go

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BSidesLondon 2016 – Rookie Track Edition

René Pfeiffer/ May 20, 2016/ Conference, Discussion

The Security BSides London 2016 is coming up. Next month you will have the chance to see presentations all around topics in information security. The schedule will be published soon. Gathering from the talks of past events you will not be disappointed. We will be present to watch over the Rookie Track. Young talents in terms of presentation experience will tell you about selected subjects covering security issues on software, administration, policies, hardware, or social interaction. The Rookie Track is unique among InfoSec events. It is a stage where the presenters can tell their ideas to an audience. They are supported by mentors who guide the content and the presenter from idea to the 15 minutes on stage. The Rookie Track was born out of the fact that a lot of people in information

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Last Chance to See: RuhrSec Early Bird Tickets

René Pfeiffer/ January 26, 2016/ Administrivia, Conference

If you have no money but some time to spare, you should head over to the RuhrSec ticket shop and get yourself some freshly issued Early Bird tickets! Our friends in Bochum have a decent schedule for you. Inevitably  the Internet of Things gets broken (again), you hear more about TLS v1.3, caches get a thorough Rowhammer beating, Eve pays a visit to your WebTRC talk, and more security wait for you. RuhSec takes place on 28 and 29 April 2016. The location is the Veranstaltungszentrum, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum. Google has a map for you as well.

BSidesLondon 2014 Rookie Track Videos

René Pfeiffer/ May 3, 2014/ Conference

We are back from the BSidesLondon 2014, and we had a great time. It was good to meet everyone to get some new ideas and to work on old ideas too. The Rookie Track was a success. We had a hard time deciding which talk was best. We managed to find a winner which will be invited to attend DeepSec 2014. Congratulations to Georgi Boiko! The Rookie Track recordings will be published online depending on the choice of the speaker. Some are already online. Here is a list of talks you can already watch. More are being published in the coming weeks (we will update this list). A Look at Modern Warfare by @kaitlyn4495 The Joy of Passwords by Joseph Gwynne-Jones RFID Hacking – An Introduction by @d3sre Run-time tools to aid application security

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DeepSec supports BSidesLondon – join the Rookie Track!

René Pfeiffer/ January 29, 2014/ Administrivia, Conference

The next BSidesLondon on 29 April will feature a Rookie Track again. We are glad to support the event with a ticket to DeepSec 2014 and two accommodations at our conference hotel for the best rookie delivering a presentation. We will also be present at BSidesLondon to get in touch with you (and to watch all talks of the Rookie Track, of course). Supporting young talents in information security has always been on our agenda. This is why we maintain a special category of talks, the U21 slots, for speakers under 21 years of age. Conferences are meant to exchange ideas and to present new perspectives. IT security is all about creativity and thinking outside the box. We have seen lots of promising content from young infosec researchers while encouraging them to submit to

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DeepSec 2013 Schedule is Final!

René Pfeiffer/ September 22, 2013/ Administrivia, Conference, Schedule

The schedule for DeepSec 2013 is final. We had to rearrange some talks, because not all of the speakers we selected confirmed their appearance (that’s real life interference; we hope to see them at some future DeepSec events). The topics look great! We hope you get as much restless nights worrying about your data and infrastructure as we do! ☺ The workshop line-up is especially impressive. It now features 9 trainings in total. Two of the trainings are one day courses, so it might be easier to convince your workload to squeeze some lectures by experts into your busy schedule. This year’s workshops allow you to learn about attacking GSM networks (and thus their clients!), web applications (and their clients too), people (don’t pick up the phone!), IDS/IPS systems (we bet you never saw

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DeepINTEL 2013 – Preliminary Schedule

René Pfeiffer/ July 16, 2013/ Conference, Schedule, Security Intelligence

The preliminary schedule of the DeepINTEL conference is ready! We have selected the presentations carefully and tried to address in-depth threats to (y)our infrastructure and (y)our data. Here are the abstracts of the talks (in alphabetical order, according to the speakers name), that we are allowed to publish publicly: Compliance and Transparency of Cloud Features against Security Standards (Yury Chemerkin) Nowadays cloud vendors provide a solid integration, virtualization and optimization in many fields (for example medical, business, and education) for online services. Such services operate with sensitive data which attracts attackers. There are quite different security controls and metrics for every Cloud service provider. It is generally known that several industrial organizations are focused on keeping an appropriate security level by offering solutions to improve the transparency of Cloud security controls among different vendors.

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DeepINTEL 2012 – Preliminary Schedule

René Pfeiffer/ July 3, 2012/ Administrivia, Schedule

This is the preliminary schedule of the first DeepINTEL seminar taking place in September 2012. We have more talks in the pipeline and the final decision won’t be long. Bear in mind that we will receive some additional information for some of the abstracts soon. The registration for DeepINTEL is online, too. If you are interested in attending DeepINTEL, please get in touch with us (you know, the vetting process and such). Please note that all further updates will be published at the main DeepINTEL web site. You will also find the speaker’s biographies there. Preventing and Detecting Mass-Malware and Advanced Threats (Tom “c-APT-ure” Ueltschi) Your organization has firewalls, network IDS/IPS, anti-virus on multiple layers, maybe even HIPS, hardening and patching done and feels pretty safe and secure. But lots of companies and organisations

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DeepSec Announces DeepSec 365 Conference Track

René Pfeiffer/ April 1, 2012/ Administrivia, Conference, High Entropy

IT security has grown into a cornerstone of our modern society. We rely on data integrity, availability, and we do not wish our personal or business data to be mirrored on or other web sites. 2011 has been full of high-profile security-related incidents. 2012 will most certainly continue in this fashion. This cannot go on forever. Therefore we decided to address the lack of IT security conferences and boost their number considerably. Starting with 1 January 2013 we start the DeepSec 365 Conference Track – 365 DeepSec security conferences in 2013, one every day! We are currently finalising the deal with our conference venue. Even the tourism industry has acknowledged that there really is nothing besides hosting IT security events. Forget skiing, spas, clubbing, museums, sightseeing and all that, you want to see

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DeepINTEL 2012 – Security Intelligence Call for Papers

René Pfeiffer/ February 17, 2012/ Administrivia, Security Intelligence

We already gave some hints on our security intelligence event we are planning for end of Summer. We now have a date and a venue: DeepINTEL will be held on September 3rd and 4th near Salzburg in Austria. This single track two day event addresses mainly critical infrastructure, state organizations (administrative and law enforcement), accredited CERTs, finance organizations and trusted parties and organizations with a strong relation or partnership to the aforementioned. Due to the sensitive topics and the nature of the participants and speakers we will have a vetting process for participants. We’d like to know our audience, so that we all can talk freely and openly during the event. If you have questions on this, please contact us directly via or the contact information given on our web site. Here is

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