DeepSec 2017 Talk: Who Hid My Desktop – Deep Dive Into hVNC – Or Safran & Pavel Asinovsky
Seeing is believing. If you sit in front of your desktop and everything looks as it should look, then you are not in the Matrix, right? Right? Well, maybe. Manipulating the surface to make something to look similar is a technique also used by phishing, spammers, and social engineers. But what if the attacker sitting on your computer does not need to see what you see? Enter hidden virtual network computing where malicious software controls your system, and you don’t know about it. Since the past decade, financial institutions are increasingly faced with the problem of malware stealing hefty amounts of money by performing fraudulent fund transfers from their customers’ online banking accounts. Many vendors attempt to solve this issue by developing sophisticated products for classifying or risk scoring each transaction. Often, identifying legitimate