Press Release: Low-tech Attacks. Critical Infrastructure poorly secured – Attacks against Colonial Pipeline used Standard Access Tools

Sanna/ May 20, 2021/ Press, Training

In May, the operator of the US Colonial Pipeline was the victim of a ransomware attack. After such reports, calls for better security and additional measures are always loud. In fact, analyzes of these attacks often reveal deficiencies in basic security. Often it is not even necessary to use complicated and sophisticated tools to attack critical infrastructure. Attackers like to use standard tools that are available everywhere so as not to attract attention. The lack of basic security makes it possible. Custom camouflage When defending your own systems and networks, it is necessary to know exactly what the infrastructure is like. Organized groups that attack companies research exactly what is being used at the target before the attack. According to this planning phase, only tools are used that are plausible to the victim and

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DeepSec2020 Press Release: Industrial control systems put to the test. DeepSec conference organizes forum for the protection of Industrial Control Systems (ICS)

Sanna/ September 17, 2020/ Press

When one talks about digitization, one usually means networked control and measurement systems. The associated technical term Industrial Control Systems (ICS) covers a wide area and extends into Industry 4.0, in which information security plays a very important role. The right design and secure code thus become part of critical infrastructure. This year’s DeepSec security conference offers a forum for the first time – the ICS Village – in which developers and security experts can exchange ideas and experience. The stated goal is to design control systems securely, to implement them robustly, to test them properly, and to protect these systems appropriately. Servant spirits of the infrastructure Control systems and automated process control normally lead an invisible existence. Production lines, building management, lighting control, traffic systems, industrial plants or power supply are indispensable parts

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Press Release: Intensive Courses for crisis-proof Digitisation taking place in Vienna

Sanna/ August 28, 2020/ Conference, Press

DeepSec security conference focuses thematically in depth on critical dangers for IT. As is well known, the digital world never sleeps. The last few months have shown that society and the economy are more dependent than ever on globally networked technology. The worldwide spread of SARS-CoV-2 has given telecommunications an enormous boost. The home office, already known before, teleconferencing systems and internet applications had to stand in for physical meetings and enable the exchange of information. As the use of these technologies increased sharply, security problems were of course discovered. Zoom is a prominent example. However, only the tip of the iceberg was analysed. Many vulnerabilities are still waiting to be discovered around the world. Anyone who demands more digitisation is actually talking about information security. Precisely for this reason, the DeepSec Security Conference

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DeepSec 2019 Training: Pentesting Industrial Control Systems – Arnaud Soullie

Sanna/ October 25, 2019/ Training

In this intense two day training at DeepSec, you will learn everything you need to start pentesting Industrial Control Networks [also called Industrial Control Systems (ICS)]. We will cover the basics to help you understand what are the most common ICS vulnerabilities. We will then spend some time learning and exploiting Windows & Active Directory weaknesses, as most ICS are controlled by Windows systems. And we will cover the most common ICS protocols (Modbus, S7, Profinet, Ethernet/IP, DNP3, OPC…), analyze packet captures and learn how to use these protocols to talk to Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). You will learn how to program a PLC, to better understand how to exploit them. The training will end with an afternoon dedicated to a challenging hands-on exercise: The first [Capture The Flag] CTF in which you capture

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DeepSec 2018 Training: Advanced Penetration Testing in the Real World – Davy Douhine & Guillaume Lopes

Sanna/ September 24, 2018/ Conference, Security, Training

Guillaume and Davy, senior pentesters, will share many techniques, tips and tricks with pentesters, red teamers, bug bounty researchers or even defenders during a 2-day 100% “hands-on” workshop. This is the very training you’d like to have instead of wasting your precious time trying and failing while pentesting. The main topics of the training are: Buffer overflow 101: Find and exploit buffer overflows yourself and bypass OS protections. (A lot of pentesters don’t even know how it works. So let’s have a look under the hood); Web exploitation: Manually find and exploit web app vulnerabilities using Burpsuite. (Yes, running WebInspect, AppScan, Acunetix or Netsparker is fine but you can do a lot more by hand); Network exploitation: Manually exploit network related vulnerabilities using Scapy, ettercap and Responder. (Because it works so often when doing

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