DeepSec 2023 Talk: KENOUGH: More Than Just a Pretty Interface – Daniel Kroiss & Stefan Prinz

Sanna/ October 9, 2023/ Conference

The vast majority of organizations on our planet are SMEs who do not have the capability to leverage professional Threat Intelligence Tools or even have Threat Intelligence Teams. They continuously struggle to prioritize their efforts fixing security problems but are typically not focusing on the right stuff. Not all threat actors are equally likely to penetrate your organization. Therefore, not all TTPs are equally likely to be leveraged against you. MITRE ATT&CK is the de facto standard in researching current TTPs and figuring out how to detect and prevent them from happening. We created a small but powerful tool based on MITRE ATT&CK to easily figuring out connections between Threat Actors, malware, TTPs and their relevance to your industry to help you figure out what to focus on. The tool is specifically built for

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