DeepSec2019 Talk: IPFS As a Distributed Alternative to Logs Collection – Fabio Nigi
Logging stuff is easy. You take a piece of information created by the infrastructure, systems, or applications and stash it away. The problems start once you want to use the stored log data for analysis, reference, correlation, or any other more sophisticated approach. At DeepSec 2019 Fabio Nigi will share his experience in dealing with log data. We asked him to explain what you can expect from his presentation. We want access to as much logs as possible. Historically the approach is to replicate logs to a central location. The cost of storage is the bottleneck on security information and event management (SIEM) solution, hard to be maintained at scale, leading to reduce the amount of information at disposal. The state-of-the-art solutions today focus on to analyze the log on the endpoint. This can