DeepSec 2021 Talk: I Will Hide, You Come And Seek – Discovering The Unknown in Known Malwares using Memory Forensics – Shyam Sundar Ramaswami

Sanna/ September 27, 2021/ Conference

Malware analysis is a key phase to extract IOCs like domains, ip, mutex and other signatures. What if malware knows what online sandboxes look for and what tools look for, decides to “showcase only 90%” and hide the rest? Well, Memory forensics comes to our rescue. This was tried and tested with a lot of samples during the pandemic phase and was aided in extracting a lot of hidden process, domains, urls and even ip. This is what the talk covers: Talk about the traditional malware analysis process Introduction to memory forensics and why Introducing tools like Volatility and Rekall Running Orcus RAT, Agent Tesla and Sodinobki Ransomware malwares usingt traditional methods like online sandbox and malware runs Playing a game by capturing memory of the infected machine by invoking WMI module and

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ROOTS 2018: Library and Function Identification by Optimized Pattern Matching on Compressed Databases – Maximilian von Tschirschnitz

Sanna/ January 7, 2019/ ROOTS

[Editor’s note: This article belongs to the Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium 2018 (ROOTS). It was misplaced, so we publish it today. Maximilian’s talk was recorded and can be watched on Vimeo.] The goal of library and function identification is to find the original library and function to a given machine-code snippet. These snippets commonly arise from penetration tests attacking a remote executable, static malware analysis or from an IP infringement investigation. While there are several tools designed to achieve this task, all of these seem to rely on varied methods of signature-based identification. In this work, the author argues that this approach is not sufficient for many cases and propose a design and implementation for a multitool called KISS. KISS uses lossless compression and highly optimized pattern matching algorithms to create a very

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DeepSec 2018 Training: Malware Analysis Intro – Christian Wojner

Sanna/ September 28, 2018/ Conference, Security, Training

With malware (malicious software) featuring crypto-trojans (ransomware), banking-trojans, information- and credential-stealers, bot-nets of various specifications, and, last but not least, industry- or even state-driven cyber espionage, the analysis of this kind of software ıs becoming more and more important these days. With a naturally strong focus on Microsoft Windows based systems this entertaining first-contact workshop introduces you to one of the most demanding but nonetheless compelling fields in IT-Security. We asked Christian a few more questions about his talk. Please tell us the main facts about your training. This training is for every IT (Security) person who wants/needs to have their first encounter with the stunning field of malware analysis. On the basis of an especially designed, exciting scenario blended with various technical detours packed into a 6-stages workshop, students will… learn how easy

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