DeepSec 2024 Training: The Mobile Playbook: Dissecting iOS and Android Apps – Sven Schleier

Sanna/ September 9, 2024/ Conference, Training

This course teaches you how to analyse Android and iOS apps for security vulnerabilities, by going through the different phases of testing, including dynamic testing, static analysis and reverse engineering. Sven will share his experience and many small tips and tricks to attack mobile apps that he collected throughout his career and bug hunting adventures. We asked Sven a few more questions about his training. Please tell us the top 5 facts about your training. Focus: The course teaches penetration testing of Android and iOS apps using the OWASP Mobile Application Security Testing Guide (MASTG). The OWASP MASTG is an open-source documentation project that summarises techniques for penetration testing and reverse engineering of mobile apps. Hands-on Experience: We will go through many labs and real-world scenarios with customized apps. Many of the labs can

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DeepSec 2023 Talk: Horror Stories from the Automotive Industry – Thomas Sermpinis

Sanna/ September 4, 2023/ Conference

In this talk, we will revisit some of the scariest stories we faced during over 50 penetration testing and security research projects, with a twist. In the ever-emerging industry of automotive, with old and new OEMs trying to get a share of the pie, many things are at stake, with many things getting overlooked, forgotten, or even deliberately covered. We will go through a journey of critical findings in different targets and the constant battle between penetration testers, developers, and mid to upper management. This will help the audience get an understanding of how the industry behaves right now, what they (and what we) are doing wrong, and how the future of automotive security should be shaped, not only for the sake of security but also for the sake of safety and reliability. This

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DeepSec2020 Talk: Pivoting – As an Attack Weapon – Filipi Pires

Sanna/ October 27, 2020/ Conference

Demonstrating an exploit in a container environment (three dockers) across three different networks, I will demonstrate different pivot, vulnerability exploit, and privilege escalation techniques on all machines using Alpine linux, Gogs app, and other Linux platforms using Pentest methodologies such as recon, enumeration, exploitation, post exploitation. By the end of this presentation everyone will be able to see different ways that exist in working with a single form of pivot and how to overcome different obstacles in different networks within this “new” environment called Docker. We asked Filipi a few more questions about his talk. Please tell us the top 5 facts about your talk. During this presentation, we are looking at some important facts such as: Observability in different environment, vulnerability exploit, use of privilege escalation techniques, some misconfigurations or maybe no good

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DeepSec 2019 Talk: Well, That Escalated Quickly! – A Penetration Tester’s Approach to Windows Privilege Escalation – Khalil Bijjou

Sanna/ September 4, 2019/ Conference, Security

Since the early stages of operating systems, users and privileges were separated. Implemented security mechanisms prevent unauthorized access and usage of data and functions. These security mechanisms have been circumvented a number of times, which has led to steady improvements. Nevertheless, attackers find new vulnerabilities and security holes. Security experts often encounter Mirosoft® Windows endpoints or systems and gain low privileged access. To fully compromise the system, privileges have to be escalated. Windows contains a great number of security concepts and mechanisms. These render privilege escalation attacks difficult. Penetration testers should have a sound knowledge base about Windows components and security mechanisms in order to understand privilege escalation concepts profoundly and to apply them properly. Khalil’s presentation at DeepSec 2019 imparts knowledge on Windows required to understand privilege escalation attacks. It describes the most

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