DeepSec 2021 Talk: Post-quantum Encryption System for 5G – Maksim Iavich
Nowadays, many leading scientists and experts are actively working on the creation of quantum computers. On October 23 2019, Google announced that it has achieved quantum supremacy. This means the great speedup of the quantum processors compared to the fastest classic computer. On December 06 2020, scientists in China also announced that they also achieved quantum supremacy. Quantum computers will probably destroy most cryptosystems that are widely used in practice. A variety of “resistant to quantum attacks,” alternatives are developed. These alternatives are hash-based, code-based, lattice-based and multivariate crypto schemes. However, to date a number of successful attacks is recorded on the given system. It is also shown that these schemes have efficiency problems. The amount of traffic carried over wireless networks and the number of mobile devices (including IoT) are growing rapidly and