DeepSec 2023 Talk: Zero-Touch-Pwn: Abusing Zoom’s Zero Touch Provisioning for Remote Attacks on Desk Phones – Moritz Abrell

Sanna/ September 7, 2023/ Conference

Cloud communication platforms like Zoom have become a fundamental aspect of modern communication and are widely used in daily work. However, in certain scenarios, traditional endpoints such as desk phones or analog gateways are still required. Today, these devices can be integrated with most major cloud communication providers through the use of their provisioning services, which centralize configurations and firmware. This session is about a security analysis of the Zoom “Zero Touch Provisioning” method with certified hardware. It will reveal several vulnerabilities that, when combined, allow an attacker to remotely compromise arbitrary devices, enable massive eavesdropping on conversations or rooms, remote control of devices, or using them as a pivot point to attack the adjacent corporate network. Be curious about the details of hard-coded cryptographic material, improper authentication, lack of immutable root of trust,

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