DeepSec 2024 Talk: Reversing Windows RPC in Enterprise Software for Fun and CVEs – Andreas Vikerup

Sanna/ September 13, 2024/ Conference

This talk will walk the audience through the dissection of Windows RPC usage in the enterprise software ManageEngine ADAudit Plus, which will unravel two CVEs and crack a CTF-like encryption/decryption process. We asked Andreas a few more questions about his talk. Please tell us the top 5 facts about your talk. This talk will guide the audience through a reverse engineering method that will ultimately lead to 2 CVEs in a product known as ManageEngine ADAudit Plus. The reviewed code will be human readable (as in not assembly language) which makes it easy to follow. There will be hurdles along the way to reach the goal and these will be highlighted and discussed in the presentation. How did you come up with it? Was there something like an initial spark that set your mind

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DeepSec Training 2024: Software Reverse Engineering Training Course for Beginners – Balazs Bucsay

Sanna/ August 20, 2024/ Conference, Training

The training course targets attendees who have little to no knowledge of reverse engineering but possess the ability to write simple programs in a programming language of their choice and also have a desire to learn reverse engineering of compiled applications. The course spans two days, during which low-level computing and the basics of architectures are explained. The primary target architectures of this course are Intel x86 and AMD x64, where we cover the fundamentals of computing and assembly language. Throughout the course, we will explore how to create basic programs in both C and assembly, and then explore the process of reverse engineering using disassembler, decompiler and debugger on Windows. Each day of the course emphasises hands-on labs, allowing participants to apply their newly gained knowledge in practical exercises. Theory alone quickly fades,

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