Thanks for attending DeepSec and DeepINTEL 2023!

René Pfeiffer/ November 24, 2023/ Administrivia, Conference, DeepIntel

The image shows a coaster with the text "Drinking coffee since 2007 -". In the middle of the coaster there is a coffee cup with a face. Design by our graphics designer 2023 ended a week ago, and it was amazing! We shout out a big thanks to all the speakers and all the attendees that made the conference memorable!

Usually there is a period of several days after the conference where you hear nothing from us. We are not hibernating; we are in full post-production mode. Office life has caught up. The video material is currently being prepared for upload. Everyone who attended the conference will get early access to the presentations. Bear with us. We will send a notification once everything is ready.

For everyone who missed the closing presentation, here are the dates for our events in 2024. Open your calendar, mark the dates. Also, do not forget to book early! We have a limit because of the conference venue safety regulations. If you want to get a seat, book as soon as we open the ticket shop.

  • DeepSec Trainings – 19/20 November 2024
  • DeepINTEL – 20 November 2024
  • DeepSec – 21/22 November 2024

Stay safe/secure! See you in Vienna!

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About René Pfeiffer

System administrator, lecturer, hacker, security consultant, technical writer and DeepSec organisation team member. Has done some particle physics, too. Prefers encrypted messages for the sake of admiring the mathematical algorithms at work.